1 Breakfast

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I stare at my plate. Dad made my favourite breakfast, poached eggs, but I'm not that hungry. Mum looks up from the Sunday Telegraph she was reading and studies me.

"Why aren't you eating dear? Don't you like the breakfast your father made for you?"
"No," I reply "I'm just not that hungry."

Mum looks unconvinced. I hesitate.

"I'm just down because it's Sunday and I'll have to go to school tomorrow." I pause for a moment. "And I didn't get to do everything I wanted to do."

Not a total lie. I don't particularly enjoy school that much and I dislike my teacher, Mrs Aikenhead, very much. If school was just filled with sport, friends and art, I'd be happy.

Mum possesses a face of confusion.

"Elizabeth, I don't understand. We sat down yesterday and discussed your birthday party. We organized the date, which friends will attend, the food and what your going to do - which I still can't comprehend!"

Oh. I forgot about that. Plan my birthday party. One of the four things I wanted to do this weekend. I also wanted to buy Taylor Swift's new album, watch the rest of "Pitch Perfect" and finish reading my book. Not to mention I have to complete my Maths homework Mrs Aikenhead left us! Why did I have to leave all this to last minute!

But why I am really down is because my best friend, Jasmine Parker, was supposed to call me before breakfast. She told me on Friday that she would. Something about a secret that revolves around Josh Smith, the sixth cutest boy in our grade. I was so anxious to find out, but she wouldn't tell me, not yet anyway. In fact, now that I'm remembering it, she did say it with a smirk on her face. I must of looked funny or something! I hate it when she doesn't say I look different! I don't want to be different, I want to be normal. Normal Lizzy, that's me, not Abnormal Elizabeth, that's embarrassing!

I must of shown that I was annoyed because suddenly Dad yells from the kitchen "What was that!", and I hear Mum respond "Lizzy must not have known what will happen when you slam your fork into your plate because now there is a giant crack in it!"

I look at my breakfast. Indeed, a crack ran through the plate and my fork is stuck in it. "Oops." I say softly whilst yanking out my fork. "It was an accident." Mum pulls a face that proves she is not impressed. I look back down at my plate.

While I'm deciding whether to eat my breakfast or not whilst my fork is in this condition, my brother James walks into the dining room. I stare at him, he looks around for the food. I suddenly realize how unalike we look. He, with his short, dark hair and plump face and me, with my dark blonde hair and oval face. We both have freckles, like my father but only I have his emerald green eyes. James took after my mother on that feature. My mum has brown eyes, like everyone does. I'm the only one in my grade with green! How I wish I was totally normal!

"Um, Dad. How come you made her poached eggs and not me!" James' loud voice echoes in the room. Even though he is 2 years younger than me, his voice can reach the same volume as mine.

"I thought you were still asleep, mate." I love my father but sometimes I wish he wasn't as soft as he is.

"How many do you want James?"
"Twelve. And two pieces of toast."

What a pig! One is enough for me at breakfast, with a slice of toast of corse. No wonder his belly is much rounder than mine!

"Will you eat it all?" Again, Dad being too nice!
"Um. Actually just make two." My brother's eyes are heaps bigger than his stomach. A normal person, like myself, will have less than needed and then have more if they're still hungry. And right now, I'm probably as hungry as a goldfish.

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