chapter ten - church or PARTY

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Tia and the boys had left leaving me in a confusion. I was kind of worried because a birthday party in a old graveyard, it's not graveyard now but a birthday party ground, but still it was kind of weird. I have never heard something like this before.
"Sofia dinner is ready, bring your sister along with you" I heard my mom's voice calling out for me. I went to amber's room she was sitting on the bed and was reading a book.
"Hey amber, what are you reading?"
I asked her.
"Come in sofia nothing much..." she hid the book from me. I didn't ask her about it probably it was something personal. We both went down.
"Yes dear we can go, tomorrow." We heard as we entered.
"Where are we going" we asked together.
"Sofia you wanted to visit the church right, so mom and I have decided that we can go TOMORROW, because from next week I am little bit busy." My dad said it in pleasant and in a comfortable voice.
"Tomorrow, but dad there is PARTY for us to attend, can we go the day after tomorrow or next week? I know how important it is to go to church and I wanted to go but...." my voice trailed off.
"It's okay Sofia you girls go to the party and we can go to the church next week, is that ok honey?" My mom asked my dad.
"That's totally fine dear."

After dinner I and amber went to our rooms. I wanted talk with her but she was too weak and pale, I decided to leave her alone so that she can take some rest.
"Good night Sofia" she said
"Good night ".

I slept as soon as I laid on the bed. I had a horrible nightmare. I woke up at 3 in the morning, I was sweating, I couldn't even breathe properly.  After few minutes calming myself, I drank water. Suddenly I heard a very low voice singing a sad song, the same one that I heard for the first time. This time is was even more sadder and it was not coming from our neighbours but inside our HOUSE. I got down and followed the music, and reached amber's room.

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