I'm waiting for You

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I have you for being so handsome.
I hate you for being so charming.
You always had that fascinating smile, I remember
All the beauty around fades before it,
Even if they garner!

I won't say what I liked the most in you;
But this thing is different
that it was your eyes
with black hue!
I won't say cause I hate to
that I am dying to see you,
to hear from you!

For darling, here my heart takes
'hate' from hate you
'love' from love you.
I wish I could expect from you
in reply:
"I love you too"


I underestimated your nature and beauty;
It was more profound than I thought.
I wish for their good health and continuity,
Because I felt it
and that really means a lot!

You get two options, you know,
With everything that comes to your door...

Either you struggle and succeed,
Or you just blame your deeds.

Either you smile and move on,
Or you cry and tremble upon.

Either you give and get joy,
Or you hurt others and yourself get destroyed.

Either you love
and learn to live,
Or you just live
only to deceive!

Trust me,
Try loving someone
Your life will turn easy;
If you can't find anyone
Then come and try loving me.

I'm waiting for you and always will be!


Hello again sweethearts!! ❤️
Hope u all are fine and healthy!!

Here's another poem! Do tell me if u really liked it 😊

Don't forget to vote!! N I'd loveee to read ur comments 🥰🥰

Take good care of yourselves my dear ones!!❤️❤️


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