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  'Taking it slow' was a phrase constantly tumbling in both Alex and Rosanna's minds. They found it somewhat difficult not to jump right back in to how their relationship used to be. Instead, they had to make their way back there bit by bit. For Alex's remaining week visiting London he was booked into the studio and Rosanna was busy working in the record store she and Oliver had opened up while she was recording her album, so seeing each other was very limited to the nights and evenings. But they made time for each other where they could. Oftentimes, Alex would come over to Rosanna's place for dinner and sometimes stay the night. Having someone else filling the other side of the bed was the most comforting sensation.

  Alex hadn't been happier in years. For once he finally awoke without a stone on his chest and regret tied heavy to his heels. Almost every morning he would be given the chance to wake up next to her and likewise, almost every night he was blessed with being able to hold her in his arms as they fell asleep. It was like he was living in his own dream. Never going a day without thanking the universe for giving him another chance with this girl.

  He loved nothing more than to listen to her speak. Just her voice alone made him feel at home. So much so that he dreaded going back to LA without her. She told him about her store and how she was going to Paris for the month of October to work on some more songwriting. Telling Alex she needed a change of scenery and to be undistracted if she wanted to properly write new material she was actually happy with.

  "Not planning on recording anything soon but...I like the idea of writing again," she told him.

  "Why Paris?" Alex asked, combing his fingers through her hair as she lay with her head on his lap.

  Rosanna shrugged and smirked ever so slightly at him, "it's got a few memories that might help me along the way."

  By 'taking things slow' they originally planned to keep their budding relationship to themselves, under the radar until they figured everything out. However, since Alex and the rest of the band were leaving London, most to go back to LA, Matt planned a dinner for them to all go out to the night before they flew out — inviting Rosanna and the rest of their friends in the London area — and collectively, they decided they may as well tell everyone about their relationship now instead of awkwardly acting like there was nothing between them during the entire dinner.

The responses were a mixed bag.

Everyone on Alex's side of things were happy for him and relieved that he and Rosanna had worked things out. They all knew how happy Rosanna made Alex and how opposite it was when she wasn't around. Miles and Matt especially, were delighted for their friend and breathed sighs of relief upon hearing the news. Yet Matt didn't hesitate to warn Alex and made him promise till Matt believed him, that Alex would never hurt Rosanna again because the last thing anyone needed or wanted was a repeat of the last four years.

On the flip side, people close to Rosanna were slightly wary about the whole situation. Her sister Madeleine asked her if she was sure about her decision as she knew how broken Rosanna was after their breakup. More so if Rosanna truly trusted Alex again.

"I do Mad," Rosanna said in response to her sisters doubt. "I know most people wouldn't go back but I love him, more than I think I could love anyone ever again."

"Just be careful Rose," Madeleine told her, "I don't want you to get hurt again. But I am happy for you that you've guys have found peace."

Oliver was a little less thrilled. Rosanna felt horrible telling him, especially after claiming Alex had nothing to do with why she wanted to break things off. He wasn't at the time but now that she was already back with him, he seemed like the star pupil of Rosanna's uncertainty. Being the nice guy he was, Oliver told Rosanna he was happy for her, promising himself not to have any hard feelings. He knew Alex made her happy yet still, like everyone else, warned her to be careful and to not dive in too deep too quickly.

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