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Alex felt terribly guilty sitting in his seat as the plane took off towards California. Although Matt was sitting beside him he felt awfully lonely.

"Are you sure you don't want me to stay?" He had asked her.

Rosanna nodded and hugged him tightly, "I'll be okay."

"I can always ask them to push back the recordings," Alex offered, holding her tightly.

Rosanna looked up at him and sighed, "it's okay. Don't let me get in the way of the album. I'll only be a couple weeks."

"Are you sure?" Alex asked again. Rosanna nodded and hugged him tightly. Alex sighed and held her tight, he felt terrible. Rosanna had gotten a phone call from her mother the previous day to say that her father had just gotten into an accident and was currently in the hospital. She was going to stay an extra two weeks in the UK just to give her dad and family some support while he recovered. Alex felt awful leaving her on her own but was being roped back to America to finish their album. Rosanna told him she'd be alright and that she'd have her family around her to keep her stable but nevertheless he hated leaving her behind.

"I'll call you every day," Alex promised as everyone around them started lining up to board his plane.

Rosanna smiled and nodded, "just remember the time gap," she said and kissed him softly. "I'm gonna miss you."

"I'm probably gonna cry meself to sleep without ya," Alex chuckled and cupped her cheek.

Rosanna managed a chuckle and kissed him again, "don't do that. You'll make me miss ya even more."

  "Can I get one more kiss?" Alex asked, "for the road?"

  Rosanna smiled and brought his face down to hers, kissing him hard and passionately, knowing it was going to be their last for awhile. So, as Rosanna headed to Leeds, it was back to Los Angeles for Alex. The second he stepped in their house he realised how awfully lonely it was without her. The house seemed bigger and more empty without company.

He lugged his bags inside and forced himself to unpack everything because he knew if he didn't now, Rosanna would come back home in two weeks to see his bags still filled on the ground. He missed her already.

Alex barely got up to anything during the time Rosanna was in Leeds. All he did was record a few things at the studio and go out for drinks. Life was bland without her. As promised, he called her every night — well every afternoon for him since she was eight hours ahead of him.

"How's yer dad going?" He asked her about a week into her stay. All the days before she didn't want to talk about him and asked Alex just to tell her about his day to keep her mind off her father. Today, she seemed okay to talk about him.

"He's getting better," Rosanna said. She sounded tired. "Stayed at the hospital with him all day today, he kept bringing you up."

"Really?" Alex asked, surprised.

Rosanna smiled on the other end, "yeah, me parents watched the Glastonbury performance online. Mum said the Mardy Bum performance made her cry."

Alex chuckled, "I guess it runs in the family."

"I miss you so much," Rosanna said and hugged a pillow to her chest as she sat in her bed alone.

"I miss you too baby," Alex said, "I wrote you another song."

Rosanna grinned, "why?"

"Cause yer all I think about," Alex admitted, "and I owe you for the song you gave me."

Maybe It's Been You All Along - Alex TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now