We're Dangerous?

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"what do you want?" I asked. Unsure if I even wanted to know. "Well to kill everyone on this planet." He said causally. How could he say something like that so causally? That's... That's just how could he... Even think about doing that? I asked myself.

Seeing my shell shocked expression he continued "well not everyone, no need to be overly dramatic. Just you humans. The animals and the plants are going to be fine. In fact they will be much better off." He said. I just couldn't comprehend this.

" Why?" I asked, looking at him for answers. "Well that is the big question isn't it." He said looking at me. He had clearly expected a different answer, like anger but I just wanted to know why we all had to die.

"Well I'm an auditor. There comes a time in a civilisations life when they are ready to explore the starts. To see there are other civilisations out there. A time to find out they are not alone in the stars." He starts off. I just look at him, intrigued.

He smiles continuing. "When that happens the higher powers send me or someone like me to go down to the planet to test them. If they are ready then we welcome them with open arms. If they are not ready yet then we give them more time. But there are some civilisations that are so harmful, so toxic we can never allow them to interact with other species. civilisations that must be dealt with." He looks up at me to make sure I'm listening.

"And that's us?" I ask

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