The car.

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   Scotty's POV:
    I had been
up for an hour now, Soda was laying down, asleep.  We had to much to drink last night. I had to get up and drive  to the Curtis house. I slowly got up and dressed Soda up, it wasn't the first time me and Soda y'know...did 'it'. I then proceeded to get dressed dressed. Started the car and heard soda wake up in the back.
     "What happened?" He sat up and looked at me, and he knew what I was feeling.
    "Scotty did we?"He asked climbing to the passenger side.
       "We did, why?" I sounded nervous and I was, he never asked if we did or didn't.
    "Listen Scotty Im Sorry." He said grabbing my hand. I knew what was gonna come next, I got scared. I can't leave Soda let alone let him leave me.

           Sodas's POV:
   I woke up not remembering what happened last night, and then it hit me like a ball to the stomach. This was the 5th time I had been drinking since her, she's crazy. I swear.
    "Listen Scotty I'm  sorry."  I grabbed her hand. I could tell she knew what was gonna happen.
    "Soda stop your scarring me." She grabbed my hand back. I watched her happy smile turn to a sad look, her eyes were breaking in half.
     "Stop here," she pulled over."I'm sorry but this is over Scotty." I said stepping out. Tears fell from her and my face.
   "Really after all this!?" She yelled she got out the car, she walked to me and slapped me." I got called a slut for you, got slapped, told my brother, for you! And you just want to up and leave??" The anger in her voice grew louder and louder wit every word, and when she slapped me  I felt her  pain. I didn't want to but her and me were no good with each other we were toxic together, she knew it. She pushed me and I fell she walked back to the car and started it up, and drove off. I could tell even from the concrete I landed on she was pissed.

       Scotty's POV:
   How could he?!? After all I hid everything! I needed it off my chest. I knew what to do it was a bad idea but I knew it would help me get rid of his touch. I drove back to Bucks, I saw Dally's car and stoped mine. I hoped out and basically ran inside. I found Dallas and grabbed him by the collar of his black-ish shirt and pulled him down till our lips meant. He grabbed my neck and pulled me closer. I didn't know who I loved anymore the person I loved left me and the boy I laid there kissing was a fuqboi, I pulled away. He looked at my neck.
    "What?" I said confused at why he was looking at my neck.
     "You have a hickey on your neck, along with a bite." He said pointing toward my neck. I couldn't believe it. He bit me! Two-bit was sure to kill him and me! I must have not felt it last night while that happened.
       "Um yea sorry about the kiss thing." I said with my head down.
     "It's okay but uh next time give me a warning please." I heard him I headed out the door.
      "Okay!" I yelled as the door shut behind me. I felt the breeze hit me again, and let a sigh out.
       "Hey Scott." He said walking toward me.
       "Hey Pony." I turned toward him as he walked down the street." Hey Pony can we talk like talk about serious stuff?" I asked stepping down the stairs.
"Sure." He happily said. We walked toward the lot and sat at the abandoned car seats. I told him everything how Soda and broke up and then the kiss with Dallas and how Johnny made me feel.
"Well Scott looks like you have a big problem." He said letting a light chuckle come out.
"I know asshole!" I punched him in the arm.
"You don't act nothin like two yet you still punch like him!" We laughed.
I needed to try something knew.
I headed back to the Curtis place to find two-bit sitting on the couch worried sick, Johnny just as worried, and Darry standing by the phone.
"What happened?" I asked walking inside.
"Thank god your okay!" Mickey jumped up and hugged me along with Johnny, not Darry tho he was focused on the phone which cause me to worry.
"Okay okay let go now tell me why y'all look so worried?" I demanded pushing everyone off me.
    "Oh Scott we thought you got jumped too!" I heard Mickey say.
      "WHAT!" I yelled and the I noticed Soda wasn't anywhere is sight."Where's soda?" I asked." Where is he!" I yelled.
      "The hospital.." Darry said. My hand went straight to my mouth as I felt my heart sink.
     "Your kidding? tell me your kidding." I ran to Darry."He get jumped?"I asked.
      "Yes." Johnny said looking at the floor when I turned to look at him.
       "By who?" I felt my eyes crack under that question.
"Soc's." I heard ponys voice sink I didn't even have to look at him to know how bad he was hurt.

      I leaned next to Soda.
      "It's okay baby." I whispered but not very well,
I was still hurting about this whole break up thing.
"Scott?" He leaned up."I'm sorry."
"Don't be, I saw it coming." I grabbed his hand, he held back.
"Wait, What?" Darry grabbed my arm and dragged me outside.
"What the hell dar?" I yanked my hand back.
"Your telling me, him and you?!"
"Your lying!" I could tell the, Johnny, Ponyboy, Mickey, and even dal were watching.
"Well what do you want me to say!" I yelled back. He slapped me.
"Go to hell." My head hung low and I walked back inside. "What are you looking at!?" I turned toward the boys.
"Nothing!" They turned around. I just leaned back down next to Soda. Darry was outside pacing I could hear his shoes hitting the porch it made me jump after 3 beats and then a Big Bang. He left the house.
        About one am I walked outside and I started to remember memories...

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