Mates? More like roomies...

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Ello everyone! Chase here and I'm just here to send you a warning....

My mate Eric is now living with me and he might be on my account since he doesn't have one and he doesn't feel like making one....

ELLO EVERYONE!!!!! I'm called Eric and I'm from Asgard!!!! -Eric

Ya.....that's him....-Chase

Ey blonde, I'm going to ask the readers a serious question.....-Eric

-_- oh boy....just do it....-Chase

Okay.............................................................. Do you lads and ladies fancy me yet?? :D -Eric

Damn it Eric.....-Chase

:D If these lovely people want to know the secret Asgardian better they can just message Chase and ask for the beautiful one! -Eric

Well...... I guess that's it so I'll see you on the dark side!!! -C

Eat (poptarts) Live (in Asgard) Love (Eric better than Chase) -E

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