Chatper 2.

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Hello there dear readers, I doubt there are many of you out there but hello :) I thought I would share with you some interesting facts, the name of the school that Yearah attends is called Ablementia, depending on where you split the word, this roughly means either "Able to lie." or "Able to save him." Just thought I'd throw that in there, I hope you enjoyed chapter 1 the day of death and now it's time for chapter 2...

 The next day one of my teachers tells me I should go and see the nurses or Mothers about the severity of my nightmares. Looks like one of the girls has ratted me out, it doesn’t bother me though because this means I get to see Miss Kara one of the many employed Mothers who raised the students here. Miss Kara looked after me until I was old enough to take care of myself. Once we turn 7 we aren’t allowed to see the Mothers unless it’s to get medical help, which is usually provided by the nurses. I walk towards the small frail, wooden door at the end of the hall; it sticks out like a sore thumb inside the pristine white building. I turn the blue metal handle that leads into the hospital and the old door swings open easily. There are 50 beds but only 3 are full with patients, one who I recognize as Sadie, she has a bandage around her ankle and smiles at me sadly, a boy sits drinking something and spitting it out repeating the process until he is drenched and a nurse rushes over and another girl who I’ve never met before but has a green tinge to her skin. I see one of the mothers sitting in a dark oak coloured rocking chair, the mothers have a different uniform to the nurses and it’s not hard to tell them apart, the nurses are strict and serious whereas the mothers are kind and gentle, it sounds like a generalisation but that's just how they do it in Ablementia. The mother sitting by the window is Miss Labymean, her extremely long brass faded ringlets fall down the back of the rocking chair. She is bound to be almost 80 now. She was the mother to Nadia, from what I’ve been told she has a great sense of humour and is very kind. ”Excuse me?” I say, she startles and almost jumps out of the chair; I rush over to make sure she is ok and apologize for scaring her; she pats my arm and assures me she is fine. “I was looking for Miss Kara” I say my voice sounding a lot more desperate than it was meaning to. She smiles at me and walks through a dark green door; I sit down on one of the hospital beds and wait until I hear the door open. ”Yearah! It has been too long my dear.” The familiar voice exclaims from behind me. “Miss Kara” I squeal with excitement as I jump up to give her a hug. Her hugs feel like home. “So tell me missy moo, what has happened since I haven’t seen you? “She asks. The pet name always bother me but it's a nice nostalgia. We sit there and talk about everything, I’m not worried about time, I get the day off today so I just let the seconds tick away into the past & hold onto this moment as long as I can. We eventually have to stop talking though & she gives me what smells like raspberry tea which is meant to help with my nightmares. Knowing mother Kara it probably is just tea. A teacher rushes in with a student who is unconscious, “I better go, it was great to see you again” I say giving her a quick hug and rush back before the teacher can see me.

 After drinking the tea that does not taste but smells like berry, the dreams go away, which makes me less tired and classes easier. The week drives on until another rest day comes around. I wake up and put on something warm and comfortable. The weather outside is crisp annd the rain hammers down on the roof overhead. I find a dark blue hoodie and some jeans and head out towards the two wooden swings I discovered one day by accident. The trees are a range from red to purple in colour and create a canopy over the swings. It’s still raining but not as hard, as the leaves cushion the fall of the droplets. I walk forward and sit on one of the wooden platforms, watching the world from moving perspectives as the swing moves up and down. I know that Michael sometimes likes to come here, I guess for him this is how I feel about my trees, it’s sounds strange being emotionally attached to trees but they are the only steady thing I have here that won’t ever think of leaving me. I hear footsteps behind me, if this were an awesome school like Hogwarts I would pull out a wand, but nope, I’m defenceless. I get up quickly and swirl around to find Michael. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.” He says. In a way that makes me feel like I’m intruding.

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