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Another Chapter up


Jimmy heard the bell of the door ring as he entered the small coffee shop, the smell of the bitter liquid hit him as his dark mocha brown eyes scanned the room and landed on a familiar raven-haired woman, causing a smile to tug at his lips. He walked over to the table, grabbing her attention  when he stood next to the table, "H-hey Leslie."

"Hello Jimmy, shall we get started?"

Jimmy glanced at the table and noticed that she didn't seem to have ordered anything. "D-didn't you get a drink?"

She tilted her head, "No."

Jimmy blinked but gave her a small smile, "H-how about I get you something? What w-would you like?"

"I am alright."

"Please, I insist."

She blinked up at him before saying, "An iced coffee then."

"A-alright, be b-back in a sec."

He walked over to the counter, ordered, paid, and went back over to the table, taking a seat across from Leslie, setting his crutches aside. "They said that th-they'll bring them over when they're r-ready. So wh-what kinds of questions did you w-want to ask?"

He noticed that Leslie had a notepad and pen as she began to ask questions, mostly on credibility, facts, just easy questions he answered with no problems. Soon enough their drinks were delivered, but mot long after, Leslie said that she had enough information and closed her notebook and took a drink from her iced coffee, "Since that has been taken care of, the day is young. Why don't we get to know each other a bit better?"

Jimmy blinked at the raven-haired woman, was she trying to flirt? It was hard to tell with her emotionless tone and major lack of facial expressions, but it made him crack a smile, "S-sure, I don't have anything p-planned today, so what did you have in m-mind?"

"Park? There is one down the street."

"Sounds g-good."

She then stood, drink in hand, "Let us go then."

Well, that was fast, "Al-alright," Jimmy stood with his crutches, grabbing his own drink, and they left. They walked down the sidewalk and started some small talk, their surrounding changed from a grey concrete ground to bright green grass, Leslie asked Jimmy questions about his life as she took more sips from her drink, and Jimmy answered as he finished off his own drink. She asked about what he liked to do for fun and he admitted that he was a comedian on weekends. She asked to hear one and so he delivered, but she reacted by giving him a blank stare. Jimmy chuckled, "Yeah that one's s-still a work in progress."

"It has potential but- what's that?"

She pointed down the path they were walking, and there was a small cart with a woman standing behind it while she was fixing something, getting closer they saw that she had a jewelry display, she turned and saw the two and smiled, "Well what a lovely couple, see anything you like?"

Jimmy ignored the first part of her comment, not feeling like explaining his life to a random woman, so he looked over the merchandise, thinking he could find something for his mother's birthday, but his gaze soon drifted over to Leslie. Her bright blue eyes staring at a hairclip with childlike fascination, this was the first expression he's seen her make since they met, which wasn't long ago but regardless, he found it adorable. He took a look closer and saw that it had a little robot head at the base, with a hint of a smile he asked the woman for the price and paid for it. She picked it up from the display and gave it to the brunet, Leslie's eyes never leaving the object. "Ready to g-go Leslie?"

She stared at the clip in his hand before nodding, the two walked a distance away from the cart to a bench, where Jimmy tossed his empty cup, when he noticed that Leslie was trying to brush her hair out of her eyes, this was a good opportunity, "Here." Jimmy stopped, causing the raven to do the same, the brunet took a step towards the woman and showed her the clip, "May I?" she gave a confused nod but watched as Jimmy moved the bangs away from her eyes and pinned them back with the clip.

Jimmy took a step back to view his work, he'd never messed with anything hair related before but he thought that he did a pretty alright job, Leslie blinked at the brunet as she rose her hand up to feel the hairclip. "Why?"

"I s-saw you staring at it and f-figured you wanted it. "

Her bright blue stared at him before telling him, "Thank you."

"Y-you're w-welcome."

The two then started to walk again, aimlessly chatting before the two stopped at an ice-cream cart for a treat. During their time together Jimmy notice that Leslie kept touching the hairclip as if she was making sure it was still there, he couldn't help but smile, she much have really liked it. However all the fun came to an end when Jimmy got a call around two, he groaned as he saw a familiar number and answered. After a brief back and forth with the caller he hung up with a sigh, he turned towards the woman "I g-gotta go, work called and they n-need me to help edit a n-new piece."

"It is alright, things come up."

"S-say, why don't we do this a-again some time.

Her corners of her lips quirked up. "I would like that. Can I call you?"

"I gave you my n-number for a reason."

"Well here is mine," she tore out a piece of paper from her notebook and wrote down some numbers before she gave it to him, "Call me later."

Jimmy's face heated up a bit, coloring his face alight red with a goofy smile, "Of course! I-I guess I'll see you later then."


"Bye for now," Jimmy turned and walked away, trying to suppress the huge smile that plastered his face, but as soon as he was a certain distance away in an alleyway he let out a sigh, he glanced around, and seeing that no one could see him, he seemed to vanish in a blur. 


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