The Truth can Lead to a Broken Heart

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Jimmy walked towards the wooden door he'd grown used to seeing, he wore a nice suit with a pale yellow tie while he held a bouquet of flowers. He gave a gentle knock and the door opened revealing Leslie wearing a bright yellow evening dress with black flats, her black hair was put up in a bun and her robot hairclip keeping her bangs away from her beautiful blue eyes. The brunet's cheeks warmed a bit at the breathtaking sight. "Jimmy, you are staring."

His blush darkened, "S-sorry, you just look so b-beautiful. Here, these are for y-you," he handed the bundle of flowers to her.

She smiled as she took them from the man, "Thank you. I will put these in water, then we can head out."

After a few minutes she returned, "Are you ready m-madam?"

She gave him a smile before taking his hand into her own, "Yes I am my gentleman," closing and locking the door behind her, they went on their way.

Later in the evening, the couple sat at a table in a fancy restaurant, chatting away, much like they normally do, Jimmy attempted a joke, much like he usually did, and he expected a blank look like he always did when he tried, but this time, she cracked a smile and actually laughed. She laughed! Well, it was more of a giggle, but still, she laughed.

Jimmy smiled, she had a lovely laugh.

They continued through the night and after dinner, they went on a stroll through a nearby park, but as the night continued on, Jimmy took notice of how Leslie became more and quieter as they continued on, but she did finally speak up.

"Jimmy...I need to tell you something..."

Said man turned and saw Leslie's eyes looked dim as she seemed hesitant, "Is something w-wrong?"

Her eyes stared at him, "I love you Jimmy, but when I tell you...I know you won't love me anymore, but I wanted to let you know before we went further."

"What do you m-mean?"

"Jimmy...I'm not who you think I am...I've kept secrets...too many, and I want to stop before it is too late..."

"Too late for w-what, Leslie what are you t-talking about?"

She took a deep breath, "I know who you are, you are Fastpass, a member of the Freedom Pals with the powers of super speed, I was created and sent by the government to try and dismantle your team."

Brown eyes widen and blinked at the raven, "W-what? What are you t-talking about?"

She looked at him with sad eyes, "Please don't play dumb. I know you are a hero...a hero the government wants to take down."

His shoulders shook, "So you know t-that, and you s-said you were c-created..."

"Yes, I am not human. They created artificial humans and they sent me to try and lure you into revealing all of your secrets..."

"S-s-so it was a lie...all of it was a lie?!"

"No...but it was at first, but not now, what I feel for you now-"

"You were using me!"

"At first, yes. But things changed, I-"

"Stop! I don't w-want to hear your lies!" Then, just like that he disappeared in a flash, just as a loud bang of thunder echoed in the sky and rain began to fall. He didn't stop running, he didn't know what happened after that moment, all he remembers was the feeling of his chest aching as his heart shattered into pieces.


Heartbreak and angst what a fun combo. What did you all think?

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