Chapter Five: Maybe You'll Be Pleading In Vain

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Severus arrived in Poppy's office just behind Hermione, and unshrunk the book she had found as he stepped into the hospital wing. Hermione, meanwhile, had immediately darted over to the small crowd gathered around Harry's bed, and threw herself into Ron's arms. Severus took a much slower approach, and just reached the edge of the crowd itself—which contained Molly and Arthur, Remus and Tonks, Ron and Hermione, Ginny and Draco, and Fred and George—as Albus entered the hospital wing himself.

"Albus," Severus said, stepping forward with the tome.

Albus looked at the thing, and his eyes widened. "Bathilda always was a knowledgeable one," he said softly, gently pulling at his beard. "Well, it seems as though we must get to work, then, my boy," he said.

Severus nodded, turning to look over his shoulder, where he could see Hermione explaining the situation to Molly, Arthur, Remus, Tonks, and the rest of them in hushed tones. "The sooner the better, I'd say," the potions master replied.

Albus raised his hands and called for silence to the crowd gathered, plus Madam Pomfrey, who came over from cleaning one of the beds to listen. "Have you explained what must be done, then, Miss Granger?" he asked.

Hermione nodded. "Yes, sir. All explained."

"Very good," Albus replied. "First things first. Poppy, you must awaken Harry immediately so that he can speak for himself. Then, we will give Severus and Harry a few moments together so that Severus may explain the goings-on. And then, a ceremony. Are we all in agreement?" he asked them all.

"Sir," Ginny said, stepping forward, "Harry would want Luna and Neville here as well," she put in softly.

"A perfectly reasonable request, Miss Weasley," Albus said, nodding. "Mr. Weasley, why don't you, Miss Granger, your sister, and Mr. Malfoy all go to get them? Mr. Weasley and Miss Granger can fetch Mr. Longbottom, and Miss Weasley and Mr. Malfoy can go and get Miss Lovegood, if that is agreeable to you."

"Yes, sir," Draco answered. He still looked a trifle pale from the sudden revelations over the past week, but he was determined not to permit any of it to get to him. The sooner that Harry was woken up and agreed to marry Severus, plus the transformation, the sooner he could go out and kill Riddle, and save them all. "We'll go at once," he went on, taking Ginny by the hand, while Ron did the same to Hermione, and the four of them left the hospital wing together.

"Why don't we all go down to the kitchens, then?" Albus asked the remaining adults, minus Severus, of course. "We can ask the house-elves to make us a little spread for the celebrations ahead, so as to make it all just a bit more festive. They've likely got most of their arms full with the Halloween Feast, but there's no harm in asking for something on a smaller level for the night ahead, is there?" he asked, eyes twinkling, and waited for Molly, Arthur, Remus, Tonks, Fred, and George to follow him out of there, which they did, albeit reluctantly.

"I'll be along in a moment, Albus," Poppy said, and Albus nodded in understanding, as he ushered the four adults out, sending his Patronus to Minerva along the way. Poppy summoned a vial from her personal stores, and handed it over to Severus. "This must be spelled directly into him, as you know, and will take..."

"No more than five minutes. Yes, I know, Poppy," Severus told her, his tone gentle.

"Sure you know what you're doing?" she asked, gripping repeatedly onto her apron, looking a trifle worried.

Severus sighed. "I know this will save him, Poppy. That is all I do know."

She nodded. "Well, you'll have eternity by Monday morning to make up for it," she told him, as she squeezed his shoulder and moved to leave.

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