Chapter Nine: Some Others I've Seen, Might Never Be Mean

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Ginny's eyes snapped open at the first bang of impact, and pushed the covers off of her, leaving Adelpha and Draco in their bed. Opening the door, she walked at a run through the living room and made her way towards the man door. Pressing her ear against it, she opened it slowly, and saw many students running to and fro, and saw that Bill was shouting orders to Slytherin House as the panic arose. Heart pounding, Ginny stumbled out of the room and ran forward, eyes wide, and went as fast as possible towards her brother.

"Bill!" she yelled, darting closer, and saw that Fleur was standing beside him. "What's going on in here? What—?!"

"No time, Ginny," Bill said quickly. "Rosier, stay in line!" he yelled towards one of the students, before turning back to his sister. "Death Eaters have taken Hogsmeade, and they're surrounding the castle."

"Then, we fight," Ginny said, her wand falling immediately down her arm from within its sleeve, and lifting her wand.

"Not in your condition, you don't," Bill shot back. "Besides, you're underage. Fleur, take Ginny to the safe house. I'll join you there as soon as I can."

Fleur immediately turned towards Bill, and threw her arms around him, kissing him. "I'll watch your sister with my life, William, just as your brother once did for Gabrielle."

Bill briefly pressed his forehead against Fleur's, and held her against him. "Marry me," he whispered, as a bang caused a wall to collapse itself just across the way.

Fleur pressed another kiss to Bill's lips. "Of course, my love," she replied. Squeezing his hand before she pulled away, she put an arm around Ginny's shoulders.

"Wait!" Ginny yelled. "What about Ron and Hermione, and Neville and Luna?!"

"Neville and Luna left earlier for his grandmother's. Luna's father is joining them," Bill said quickly, and drew his wand. "Expecto Patronum!" he shouted, and the great silver falcon flew out from the tip of his wand. "Ron, Hermione, use the Floo in the Gryffindor Common Room to get to the safe house immediately. That's an order!" he bellowed, the falcon cried out before it quickly flew off in the proper direction.

Ginny gave a torn expression to her brother. "Be careful," she said.

Bill nodded. "I will," he replied.

Fleur then dragged Ginny back down the corridor, and the door to their chambers flew open, with Draco already dressed, and their belongings packed. He was holding Adelpha in his arms, which he promptly opened to let Ginny fly into, while Fleur took charge of the Kneazle. Ginny remained in his arms for several moments while Fleur crossed the room, and opened up the fireplace to the Floo Network, knowing that they would have to get out of Hogwarts as soon as possible, now that the wards were being torn apart.

"Ready?" Draco whispered.

Ginny quickly calmed herself down, wiping her eyes as she pulled Draco towards the fireplace and watched as Fleur tossed some powder into the grate. Her eyes widened as Fleur shouted out for Grimmauld Place, but nevertheless, stepped in once the flames had swallowed both her and Adelpha flawlessly. "Grimmauld Place!" Ginny cried out, and pulled Draco in after her, the hearth expanding in size to accommodate them both, and they were engulfed in flames, just as their bedroom door was broken down, and Death Eaters watched as they were swallowed up to an unknown location.

"Were you followed?" Fleur asked, once they'd reached the living room of Number Twelve, and quickly dusted Ginny off.

"Some Death Eaters broke in as soon as we were swallowed up," Draco said quickly, his voice fraught with nerves.

Fleur promptly drew her wand and held it aloft. "Colloportus Severus Snape's chambers!" she yelled, and there was a locking sound from somewhere far off. "Come," Fleur said, and led them directly into the kitchen, where, surrounding the table, were Molly and Arthur, Kingsley, Remus and Tonks, Ron and Hermione, and Harry and Severus.

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