Chapter Ten: Nobody Else Gave Me A Thrill

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Harry was perched on the staircase, coming don for a glass of water after the brief interlude with Severus, and heard the death toll from the battle. It sickened him, then, s everyone proceeded to wail in despair; not that they were sad about what had happened, but the fact remained that he himself was to blame for it all. How would they be able to look at him, now that all those people close to them were dead and gone?

Shaking his head, Harry made up his mind and made his way back upstairs, his thirst forgotten, and stepped back into Sirius's old bedroom. He made sure that Severus was sound asleep, before he summoned his rucksack, and put an Extension Charm upon it, and gathered his clothes, before he promptly put on another outfit. He stole a few vials of Polyjuice Potion so as he could go places to buy food, and took his supply of Galleons with him. Then, knowing that this would be the icing on the cake to make people hate him, he removed his wedding ring and scrawled a quick note to his husband, which he left on the pillow.


When you awake, I shall be long gone. I am leaving my wedding ring here so as you will have a way out, if need be.

I am going to him.

I can no longer stand by and permit those I love to die for me. Although I never asked for this, any of it, it is my burden to bear. These senseless slayings won't end until one of us dies, and I know now what I have to do.

I know you will likely reprimand me for being reckless, but sometimes, a little reckless is the way to accomplish your destiny. You married a Gryffindor with a hero complex, my love; you knew that when it was a forgone conclusion that I was your mate. I can't thank you enough for saving me from Slughorn that day, for the last several months have been the best of my life.

I love you, never doubt that. And, should I return, and you still want me, I would love nothing more than to spend forever with you.

Your Harry

Harry put his invisibility cloak over his shoulders and trekked down the stairs, before he opened the front door, the chill of the evening air cutting into him. He silently shut the door behind him and made his way down the cobblestone path towards the gate, knowing that he would need to slip into an alleyway or something to find a safe place to Apparate. Just as he put his hand upon the gate to leave the house, the front door opened from behind him, and, turning, he saw Ron and Hermione standing on the porch.

"Going somewhere?" Ron called.

Harry grimaced, pulling the cloak over his head so that it was exposed. "I'm sorry, about leaving like this, without saying goodbye," he said thickly, noticing that Hermione's eyes were red-rimmed from crying.

"You'd better be," Hermione said, stepping forward and wrapping her sweater more closely around her.

"Mate, where do you think you're going, anyhow?" Ron wanted to know, tramping after his fiancée and moving to stand opposite Harry.

"I'm going to find him," Harry said easily. "I'm sorry. But nobody else is going to die. Not for me," he stated firmly.

"How many times do I have to tell you?" Hermione hissed at him, crossing her arms. "You need us, Harry, and we're in this together."

"We're not letting you leave without us, mate," Ron told him.

Hermione showed Harry a beaded bag at her waist when Harry moved to protest, and gave him a small smile. "I've had the essentials packed ever since you and Severus had to run," she said simply with a small smile. "As soon as I'd finished giving you your NEWTs tutoring, Dumbledore called me to his office and told me what would happen, and what the three of us would ultimately have to do."

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