Chapter Eight: Just To Be Sad, Thinking Of You

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The rest of the Christmas holidays saw the double wedding of Ginny and Draco, plus Neville and Luna, knowing that it was entirely possible that they would all ultimately have to go into hiding once the war broke out in earnest. Despite the fact that they were all Purebloods, they were all decidedly on the side of the light, something that Riddle despised above all things. Albus presided over the ceremonies, with Arthur Weasley giving away Ginny, Bill Weasley standing in as Head of Slytherin and giving away Draco, Augusta Longbottom giving away Neville, and Xenophilius Lovegood giving away Luna.

Hermione, who served as dual Maid of Honor for Ginny and Luna, cried during the ceremony as she held tightly to the three bouquets. Ron, as Best Man for Draco and Neville, remained tight-lipped throughout the ceremony. He was happy for Neville and Luna, to be sure, but he still slightly resented Draco for getting Ginny pregnant. Still, Hermione had reminded him more than once that Ginny was truly happy with the arrangement, and he resolved to be happy on her behalf eventually. It all helped when Albus announced dancing, with him pairing up with Minerva, Bill and Fleur, Molly and Arthur, Ron and Hermione, Xenophilius with Madam Pomfrey, Filius and Pomona, and the brides and grooms.

"It was a lovely ceremony," Hermione said softly, resting her head upon Ron's shoulder as he held her about her waist. "Didn't you think so, Ron?"

"I suppose it was," Ron allowed, turning his head to look at Draco and Ginny, the former of whom was gently caressing his sister's belly as they danced close together.

"Leave them alone," Hermione admonished him gently, "at least they're happy, and dancing somewhat traditionally..."

"What do you made of Luna and Neville'" Ron asked, turning his head to look at the second pair who had been married that day.

"Keeps the Wrackspurts away, according to Luna," Hermione said, watching wide-eyed as Luna and Neville danced in a circle, swatting their hands back and forth, up in the air. "I'm glad they found someone to make each other happy..."

"Well," Ron said, pulling Hermione closer against him, which caused Hermione to raise her eyes to his, "when we're married, it'll be a lavish affair, and we won't share the day with anyone."

"Married? Ron!" Hermione hissed, shaking her head at him. "It's bad luck to propose to your intended at somebody else's wedding."

Ron smiled down at her. "Regardless, I'm still going to marry you, Hermione Jean Granger, no matter what you say."

Hermione flushed becomingly. "Is that so?"

"Of course I'm going to marry you," Ron declared. "I knew I was going to marry you the minute you walked into the Yule Ball with Krum."

Hermione sighed and rolled her eyes. "You really did spoil everything that evening with your jealousy, Ronald..."

"I know," he said, gently tilting her chin up as they danced, "and I'm sorry. Merlin, am I sorry. I suppose I needed a right kick to the arse, because I wasn't prepared to address my feelings. I'll never forgive myself for it, 'Mione. I won't."

Hermione stepped forward then and rested her head on Ron's shoulder. "All I know is, when you were parading around with Lavender Brown last year, when she thought you were pants because of Dumbledore's Army, I wanted..."


"I wanted to claw her eyes out," she whispered.

Ron chuckled. "Well, now we know what your Animagus form would be..."

"I'm serious, Ronald," Hermione replied, righting herself then and staring into his eyes, unblinking, although she resented the fact that her lower lip trembled. "I've been in love with you for years, but didn't fully realize it until then. And now that I've got you, well, I'm afraid that someone else will come along, someone prettier..."

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