Chapter 1

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"Why do you sound like you're out of breath?"

 My friend Harper's voice sounds through the phone as soon as I settle the device between my shoulder and ear, juggling the precariously stacked cup holders full of fresh coffee in my arms. As usual, the building is bustling as I hurry toward the elevators and my boss's office.

I huff a laugh. "Well, hello to you too. If you must know, I'm running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to get to the office this morning."

There's a pause as I hear her pull the phone away from her ear, apparently checking the time. "You're already at work this early? Don't you have a life up there in the big city outside of S.H.I.E.L.D?"

Somehow, I had been lucky enough to land a job as personal assistant to Alexander Pierce, the Secretary of S.H.I.E.L.D. Defense. So I packed up my bags, left my tiny Alabama town, and moved to D.C. My job here is comprised of a little bit of everything. Anything from coffee runs to taking care of his schedule, schmoozing guests, or sitting in on big meetings, and taking notes. This morning it's just coffee. 

"Just walked through the front doors, actually," I answer. "There's a ton of meetings scheduled today about an important project, so I needed to be here early to help prepare. Mr. Pierce isn't exactly the kind I want to keep waiting." It's not that he's anything other than professional or particularly unkind, working for him has been great. A pretty cush job, I'd say. But, there's just something about him that won't quite let me settle, something keeping me on edge.

"You didn't answer my last question," Harper says. " is it up there? Made any new friends? Dating Captain America yet?"

I laugh outright at that. "Never even met the guy. Besides, he's really not my type anyway."

She scoffs in my ear, offended. She's always been head-over-heels for the superhero. "Why? What's wrong with him?"

"I mean, he's handsome but he's...too nice guy, too cookie-cutter."

She lets out an incredulous laugh. "When have you not liked cookie-cutter? Didn't you just break up with Dawson? Blond, former star quarterback, preppy, frat-boy, son of the mayor...doesn't get much more cookie-cutter than that." 

Though I know she can't see, I roll my eyes. "Ugh, don't bring that up. I wish I'd never gotten wrapped up with him. Just because he's worthy of small-town royalty in the spotlight, doesn't mean he's the same when you pull back the curtain. He's far from it actually, no matter what his haughty momma says." Entitled angry brat is a much more fitting description, I'd say.

To anyone on the outside, it was a perfect hometown fairytale: the quiet, lonely, bookish girl gets noticed by the well-off star of the football team and romance ensues. But behind closed doors, it was far from happily ever after. I'd never told Harper, or anyone, how bad it was. I'm convinced they'd never believe me anyway, he'd done well pulling the wool over everyone's eyes; even mine at first. 

I'd like to forget how he'd made me feel but the scars he'd left on my heart and self-esteem were still a tender spot for me. I was a nobody in his eyes, lucky to even be given the time of day by him, as he'd frequently remind me. With a few, hateful words disguised as jokes, he could cut down any bit of confidence I had in myself, then get angry, and spin it like I was the cause when I'd get upset. He'd finally gone too far when I'd accepted the job here in D.C. He was so angry that I was leaving town that he'd started throwing anything he could get his hands on in my apartment and bucking up, daring me to do anything about it.

He'd hated that I had kept any bit of myself outside of him: my own likes, dislikes, hobbies, and ambitions. It didn't help matters that he'd just flunked out of law school, so an achievement as small as what I'd managed made him act out even more; fueled by jealousy and insecurity hidden behind his tough act.

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