Chapter 12

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Before I even open my eyes, still swollen from the torrent of tears, my stomach is a pit of worry. I wish I had a way out of being at the Triskelion today but it would draw out the wrath of Mr. Pierce and I can't afford that. Today is a very important day for him. I skip breakfast, unable to force anything down beyond my nerves. Though there's a small bit of relief that comes with the thought of Captain America working behind the scenes to stop Pierce's little 'project'.

After a long, hot shower I pull on a pair of black belted cigarette trousers, tucking a lightweight black sweater into them. I decide on a pair of leopard print flats for shoes. They'll be easier to run in and there is no doubt in my mind that there will be running involved today. 

I barely remember the cab ride to the Triskelion. My attention is completely taken up with worries and, subsequently, trying to school myself into some semblance of calm. I can't let on at all that something is off or the whole plan could be ruined.

As soon as I walk into the lobby I'm greeted by Mr. Pierce who is flanked by a group of double agents, most of whom were there at the bank last night. "Ah, Kelsey, you're just in time to help me greet our guests." The chipper way he's acting is almost sickening as if none of last night's events ever happened and he didn't threaten to wipe me from existence at the end of it all. 

"Good morning, Sir." I muster up a tight smile. "Of course."

He nods, glancing sidelong at me, obviously pleased with my submission. I feel his hand on the small of my back, pushing and leading me to where we will await the council members. To anyone looking on it's a simple, kind gesture but I know it's a power move on his part. He's letting me know that even if he's acting as if nothing happened, he certainly hasn't forgotten.

The members of the World Security Council are ushered through the doors by armed guards and I paint on a kind, bright smile as they enter. 

"Welcome to S.H.I.E.L.D." Mr. Pierce greets them. "I trust you're all ready to get started, so if you would follow my assistant and me." He starts for the elevator as the council falls in line around him.  "And how was your flight?" He turns to the council member closest to him, Councilwoman Hawley.

"Lovely. The ride from the airport less so," she answers curtly.

Alexander brushes off the comment. "Sadly, S.H.I.E.L.D. can't control everything."

"Including Captain America," Councilman Rockwell butts in.

That slight doesn't roll off of Pierce's back quite so easily and his face darkens despite his silence. We are met just before the elevators by a security team member and the council members are given identification tags.

"This facility is biometrically controlled in certain areas and these will give you unrestricted access," Mr. Pierce informs them as he hands them out.

I didn't know about these. I never needed access to the spaces requiring biometric data.

I slide my eyes over to Natasha, in disguise as Councilwoman Hawley, and try to convey the dismay I'm feeling. She meets my eyes only for a second as she nervously puts on the device. I hold my breath, waiting for it to sound an alarm that she isn't who she says she is. Thankfully, it doesn't, and we continue on our way to Mr. Pierce's office.

"Kelsey, would you be a dear and pour us some celebratory champagne?" Alexander gestures to the bottle and flutes sitting out on his desk. I nod, breaking off from the group as he leads them further into his office. A few moments later I join them, handing out the drinks.

"Now, I know the road hasn't exactly been smooth," Pierce begins, "And some of you would've gladly kicked me out of the car along the way." He turns to look at the countdown board for a moment before raising his glass to the others. "But, finally, we're here and the world should be grateful." 

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