Chapter 5

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With nothing else to do but wait until Mr. Pierce calls me back to his office, I decide to kill some time people-watching in the lobby of the Triskelion; an entertaining pastime for an introvert like me. So many people pass through this building daily. Now that I know any one of them could be in cohorts with Alexander and Hydra, it's like I'm working in a den of snakes. I watch them all intently as if I would be able to tell just from looking who was a double agent. As soon as I've found a bench to sit on, another employee scurries up to me, a pleading look on her face. "Kelsey! Hi, I hate to ask but could you keep these field-trip kids entertained for a bit? I've had something come up that I need to take care of really quickly."

I nod, taken a little off guard. "Um, sure. I'm not busy at the moment. I'll keep them in the lobby until you're back." I walk up to the group of young kids, all seeming to be around the age of 10 or so, and explain the delay of their tour.

"Why can't you just take us on the tour?" one little boy asks.

I smile, laughing at his forwardness. "I can't. I work for Alexander Pierce and I'm sure I'll be expected back in his office soon." Their teacher quickly explains who Mr. Pierce is and that he's a very important person here.

"Woah, you're high up on the ladder here," the same boy says, "Have you met Captain America then?"

"I have, actually," I say, entertained by his amazement. "You all are very lucky, he's here today. You might just get a glimpse." Their group erupts in wonderment, excitedly chattering about the potential of meeting the hero. "Are you from a local school or out of town?" I ask the teacher but it's a little girl that answers excitedly.

"We're from Brooklyn, where Captain America is from," she informs me. "That's why we all want to see him so badly."

I look over all of their excited faces and wink. "I'll tell you what...if I run into him again before you leave, I'll ask him to come greet you." The words have barely left my mouth when a crash sounds through the glass-encased lobby.

I whip my head around to see Steve Rogers slowly get up from the floor, a sea of broken glass all around him, and run. Oh no, that can't be good.

"I have to go, my boss will be looking for me now. Stay here until your guide comes back," I urge the excited group and their teacher, then hurry to an open elevator, instructing it to take me to the top floor.

The doors open to reveal my boss walking toward me.

"Ah, Kelsey." He stops me before I'm able to take a step. "Come with me. There's been an incident and I need to brief my agents. I want you there too." He steps in next to me and instructs the elevator to take us to the Control Room.

The control room is buzzing with people. Computers and security screens fill the space nearly to the brim. It's basically the command center for the entirety of the Triskelion. We walk through the glass doors to a blonde agent, Sharon Carter, standing and addressing her superior. "With all due respect, if S.H.I.E.L.D. is conducting a manhunt for Captain America, we deserve to know why."

"Because he lied to us," Pierce states as his greeting to the room. Everyone turns to him in confusion, including myself. "Captain Rogers has information regarding the death of Director Fury and he refused to share it. As difficult as this is to accept, Captain America is a fugitive of S.H.I.E.L.D." 

Is this part of his plan? Taking Steve Rogers out of the picture to make it easier for himself to usher in Hydra? I have to find Steve somehow. I need to tell him everything I know; about Pierce, about Hydra, but especially The Winter Soldier.

After finishing his briefing of the Captain America situation he turns to leave without another word, throwing a glance toward me as a command to follow. Back in his office, Alexander has me assist him in setting up his conference room for a virtual meeting with the World Security Council. I hope to myself that they're not also entangled with the evil organization that is Hydra.

"Thank you for your help, Kelsey. That will be all for today. There is too much going on at the moment to go about our normal business and it is Friday. Why don't you get a head start on the weekend and head home? Maybe give Jack Rollins a call so he'll stop pestering me," Mr. Pierce says, adding the last part a little teasingly.

He surprises me with his statement. Not once since I've worked here has he ever sent me away, Friday or not. He must be worried about me getting in the way of whatever he has planned. Nevertheless, I am relieved to have the day freed up for me to work out how to find Steve Rogers, most likely in hiding now.

"Alright, sir. I will be here bright and early Monday morning," I answer, gathering my things to leave. It's a relief to be allowed to go and not have to stay in the middle of the chaos that is S.H.I.E.L.D. right now. The calm of my home will be a wonderful respite from all that's happened these last two days.

My phone rings as I close the door of the cab I'd hailed, settling into the leather seat.

"See? He's not too cookie-cutter, he's a man on the run now." Harper's voice chides as soon as I pick up the call.

"Whatever happened to hello?" I ask her, laughing to myself, "And, how do you even know that already?"

"It's popped up all over the news," she tells me before launching into a barrage of questions. "Most importantly though," she says as she ends the line of questioning, "Did you get to meet him and slip him my number before he went rogue?"

I shake my head at her persistence. "Really? That's what you're most concerned about? And yes, strangely enough, I've run into him twice since yesterday but giving him a random girl's number didn't seem like a great way to greet someone for the first time." I'm comforted by the sight of my home as the taxi comes to a stop near my front door.

"How could you? I thought you were my friend," she jokes, feigning hurt. "Now I may never get the chance to be Mrs. Captain America."  I roll my eyes as I unlock my front door, though I can't help but laugh at her whining as I walk in. The sight I'm met with as I turn toward the kitchen has the laughter dying on my lips, replaced by a quiet gasp.

"Can you help me?" The Winter Soldier asks quietly, staring at me from one of the chairs at my kitchen table.

"Kelsey? Hello? Is everything okay? Why'd you go quiet all of a sudden?" Harper questions.

"Uh, I-I'll call you back," I say quickly, hanging up the phone without any other explanation.

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