Chapter 13

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I've barely shut my front door when my adrenalin wears off completely. With my back against the cool wood of the door, I slide to the floor allowing the tears that had been stinging behind my eyes to flow freely now. The suppressed fear from the last few days, the despair at what had inevitably happened to Steve and Bucky, and the relief to have made it home all come out in sobs. I allow myself only a little while to cry before forcing myself up off the floor. Packing and solving the problems of how and where to hide are what's pressing now.

Crying in my apartment won't do any good when whatever's left of Hydra comes to find me. 

After digging through my closet I pull down an old duffel bag stuffed onto the top shelf. My heart leaps to my throat when I turn around. He's here. The Winter Soldier is standing just across the room from me, soaking wet and bleeding.

On the one hand, I'm strangely relieved at the sight of him but at the same time, terror grips me tightly. Did Pierce somehow survive too and order him after me? Does he even recognize me after what they did to him? I stare wild-eyed at him, afraid to make even a tiny move.

He moves his attention to the bag in my hands. "Pack only the necessities," his gravelly voice is gentle as he meets my eyes again. "We'll leave in twenty minutes."

"What?" I question, taken aback by his words. "You're not here for Mr. Pierce?"

"I came here for you." His eyes search my face, not understanding my skepticism. "Alexander Pierce is dead," he explains. "But that doesn't mean Hydra is. If anyone catches wind of your affiliation with me and what I'm sure you did to help bring down their operation, you'll have a bounty on your head. You likely already do." I breathe a sigh of relief knowing Pierce is gone.

"But you're hurt," I say to him, looking him over. "You need to get help and rest." 

"I'll be fine." He shakes his head almost imperceptibly. "I'm not gonna force you to come with me but I know I can keep you safe. You're in this because of me. I'm here to get you out."

I nod at him, speechless at his words. He's right though, I don't know where to go and how to disappear. But he does. All the unknowns of what may come start to swirl in my head, causing fear to rise within me. I can't help the fresh tears that start to brim in my eyes.

It's only then that I realize neither of us has moved, still standing across the room from one another. Apparently, he does too. Bucky crosses the room slowly to stand just in front of me, those haunted blue eyes locked onto mine show a surprising amount of gentleness. 

"You'll be fine," he says softly. His arm moves to touch me but he pulls back like I'm a skittish animal that could bolt with one wrong move. "But we need to go soon. While they're still in the middle of all the chaos from today. Only pack what you can carry easily." Part of me is thankful for his reserve but another part was waiting for that touch.

I clear my throat softly, making sure my voice is steady. "I need to change into something different but I can be ready to go in 15."

He nods again, stepping away towards my bedroom door. "I'm going to find myself something to wear and I'll be back to get you." He's gone before I can say another word.

I throw off my work clothes and don a pair of jeans with a T-shirt and sneakers. Throwing my hair into a bun, I pull a hooded jacket over it all and make quick work of throwing what I can into my bag. It's a feat to fight off the rising sadness of all my belongings, my life, being reduced to what can fit into this one small bag. I've just added the last of my things when Bucky's voice sounds from behind me.

"You ready?" I jump a little when Bucky's voice sounds from behind me as I pack the last of my things. His unnatural stealth is astounding, startling me every time. Gonna have to get used to that.

I pull in a deep breath, letting it out slowly before nodding to him. "As I'll ever be, I think."

With a pang in my chest, I take one last look around my little home knowing I'll never see it again. I'm pulled from my daze and back to him by the feeling of his hand, finally, softly on my arm.

"Everything will be alright. I promise," he murmurs gently.

With that, he leads me through my back door and out into the world.

******AUTHOR'S NOTE*****

If you enjoyed this story, please feel free to check out the next installment called Winter's Keeper. 

I will try to update as frequently as I can but being a stay-at-home mom makes that hard sometimes! I hope you will continue to read and enjoy my stories and if you feel like it, give it some love in the comments or with a vote :)

8/3/2023 update: I have released my own, original novel: Unmasked, by Kelsey Chapman. It's a YA Fantasy Romance set in Ireland inspired by Irish Folklore, Classic Fairytales, and The Ballad of Tam Lin. If you're interested you can find signed copies on my Author Kelsey Chapman Facebook page or the book is available on Amazon, Barnes&Noble, Books-a-million, Waterstones, etc. :) 

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