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The old and cracked cement sidewalk slowly began to darken as multiple droplets of water fell from the cloudly sky and hit the ground, the soft pitter patter slowly turning into a march as the drizzle became rain, then a downpour. The sky darkened as thick grey clouds took over the skies, blocking the view of the once blue sky from the small gril who stood by herself.

Her (H/l) (Hair length) (H/c) (Hair colour) hair began to cling to her (S/t) (Skin Tone) skin as the droplets of water ran down the many strands and dripped off the ends, falling to the already rain covered ground, adding more water to the ever growing puddle at her feet.

The small girl was looking inside the pizzeria through the window, salty tears running down her rain soaked cheeks from her (E/c) (Eye Colour) eyes, as she watched the kids having fun without her. "But... this is supposed to be my birthday party..."

Frowning she furiously rubbed away the tears on her cheeks, small shivers running through her small body as the rain soaked through her (F/c) (Favourite colour) dress , the material sticking to her skin like her hair, a soft glow was emitted by the green bracelet that hung around her thin wrist as she looked down at her shoes.

Why was she stuck out here all alone while her 'friends' were inside and having fun without her? It wasn't fair!

"Hey there kiddo. What are you doing out here all alone, and in the rain? You're gonna catch a cold."

Snapping her head towards the source of the voice, (Y/n) (Your name) spotted a relatively tall male wearing a damp purple uniform standing in the shadows under a broken and flickering lamp, his grey-green eyes looking into her (E/c) ones as his ever present smile sent shivers down her spine, "I-I was locked out..."

The male frowned lightly at this revelation, his smile faltering for a moment as he hummed in thought, before an even larger smile returned to his face. He walked closer towards the rain soaked and lonely girl and held out his gloved hand, "How about I help get you back inside? I know a secret way in."

"Really? You can get me back inside?"

The man nodded and brushed the soaked black strands of hair out of his face with his free hand, before he tapped the badge on his breast pocket, "Mhm. Afterall I do work here."

(Y/n) hesitated for a moment before a soft and wary smile formed on her face and she placed her smaller hand in his large gloved one.

The man gently held her hand and led her towards a dark alley behind the pizzeria, the girl oblivious and unaware that he was leading her to her untimely demise...

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