Chapter #1

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"Hey there kiddo. What are you doing out here all alone and in the rain? You're gonna catch a cold."

Opening her eyes, Mari shot up, the memory fading away into the back of her mind, but... why did she remember it all of a sudden?

Running a gloved hand through her hair, she closed her eyes and took in a deep breath, slowly releasing it.

Looking over to her left, she spotted Endo 2.0 in the same position as always. Slumped over and non-moving with dull green eyes that stared blankly ahead.

Sometimes she wished he was still active, but he shut himself down decades ago because of him.

"Mari? Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm okay BB." She lowered her mask over her face and pushed open the lid of her box, her white pupils landing on the small boy as he watched her, his big blue eyes showing signs of worry. "Are you sure..?"

Mari sighed and climbed out the box, picking up the small boy and booping him, causing him to giggle, "Yes. I'm sure. Now what brings you over here?"

"Toy Bonnie and Toy Chica are making fun of me again, just because I wanna be a pirate like Foxy and Mangle." BB pouted and narrowed his eyes at the two colourful figures who sat on the stage, talking about unimportant things.

"Can you um... scare them for me..? Just so they'll stop bullying me?"

Mari shook her head and placed BB down, "I can't be there for you all the time BB. You need to learn to stand up for yourself."

BB crossed his arms and looked down, dejected that Mari wasn't going to help him. He grumbled something under his breath and picked up his wooden sword before walking off, Mari watching him sulk away before focusing on the colourful duo on the stage.

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"Aw... come on BB. Cheer up. I'm sure Mari just has other things to do."

Mangle tried to cheer BB up, Foxy and Pickles at her side, but they had tried everything from role-playing as pirates to eating some ice-cream and nothing was working.

She looked over at Foxy with a worried expression, the latter shrugging in response as he knelt down beside BB, "Aye lad... don't feel so down. Mangle and I can go an' have a word with the land lubbers if ya want us to. We'll make 'em walk th' plank. What do ya say?"

BB sighed and slid off his seat, heading back into Kid's Cove and tossing his sword to the ground, "I'm gonna turn in early for tonight. Goodnight."

Foxy and Mangle watched him leave, unsure of what to do.

"Mangle. Foxy. Where's BB?"

Jumping in surprise, they both turned around to spot Mari, her mask covering her face per usual and the empty hollow smile sending shivers down their spines, "Y-you just m-missed him. H-he just turned in for th' night.

"Hm... I'll go talk to him, you two stay here."

The two saluted and went to Pirate's Cove to give Mari and BB some space.

Entering Kid's Cove, Mari found BB at one of the plastic tables, his chin resting in his hand as he glared at the table top, his helicopter hat sitting next to him, allowing his messy stands of brown hair to cover his eyes.

Walking towards the table, Mari sat down next to him and they sat in silence for a moment. Neither one of them wanting to speak first.

"Why can't you just scare them? It worked last time with Fred..."

"Toy Freddy isn't a bully. He's the leader of the band so he was just trying to act like a leader. Toy Bonnie and Toy Chica on the other hand have always been friends and they make fun of everyone. I can't scare them all into acting nice."

BB kept his gaze on the table top, not wanting to look at Mari. Honestly, it hurt Mari to see him ignoring her the way he was. She was so used to seeing his smile and bright blue eyes, that this side of him shocked her.

Sighing for the millionth time that night, she gently grabbed his hand and led him to the main dinning room, disrupting the conversation Toy Bonnie and Toy Chica were having, "M-Mari. What a surprise. What brings you here?"

Mari looked down at BB who looked confused at the situation, "Stand up for yourself. Like I said... I can't always be here to protect you so you need to stand your ground."

BB nervously stepped forwards and looked up at the stage where a disinterested Toy Chica sat with a slightly curious Toy Bonnie, "U-um..."

"Spit it out already."

BB flinched at Toy Chica's harsh tone, taking in a deep breath and puffing his chest out to make himself look tougher, "I'm here to tell you to stop making fun of me. If I want to play pirate with my best friends then I'll play pirate!"

"How lame..."

BB glared at the two, who ignored him, until a certain female stood behind BB, her white pupils narrowed at them and arms folded across her chest.

Toy Chica and Toy Bonnie gulped, their gazes shifting towards each other before they ultimately decided to apologize to BB, a very disappointed Mari watching them the entire time.

"Did you see me Mari? I stood up for myself!"

"Well done BB."

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Character File #1

Marionette (Y/n)

Info: Mari is one of the three original animatronics from Fredbear's Family Diner, and was the first to be possessed. She's been around for decades, helping other innocent souls and trying to find and kill Him.

Likes: Sweet things; Order; Quiet; Rain

Dislikes: Chaos; Loud noises

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Character File #2

Balloon Boy (BB)

Info: BB is the youngest animatronic in the group and considered the most annoying, but he and Mari share a bond. Mari being the paternal figure to most of the younger animatronics.

Likes: Mari; Gold; Balloons; Parties; Playing pirates

Dislikes: Toy Chica; Him

Friends: Foxy; Mangle; Pickles (Parrot); Mari; Gold (?)

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Side characters: Mangle, Foxy, Pickles, Toy Bonnie, Toy Chica

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