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A/N: please comment because the human connection will make me feel like a person again
And I photoshopped the cover art (:

TW: Major character death!! Religious mentions, blood, hospitals, gay ship but that isn't a trigger warning- or it better not be you homophobic trash!! ....anyways, enjoy the story!! <3

It all happened so fast. Virgil was about to get his sleeping baby out of the car seat when he felt heat in his chest. Then it felt wet, he looked down seemingly in slow motion and watched the blood seep out of a hole in his purple shirt. The bullet had gone through him and clear out the other side. Virgil fell to the ground with a thud, glancing up quickly to see that the bullet had just missed the car seat, it went into the side of the car. Then Virgil's eyes fell closed and everything went black.

Patton cried in the hospital's waiting room, hugging his adopted daughter close to his chest. The nurse had just informed him that they were unable to save his husband. The bullet had damaged arteries in his heart. Virgil died once he hit the cement.

"I'm so sorry, Sir, but there was nothing we could do" the nurse told him.

"N-No, I-I understand" Patton replied shakily, tears streaming down his face. "Th-Thank y-you for t-trying"

The nurse left it at that, this was always an awkward moment and the worst part about working in a hospital.

Patton tried to cope by kissing Vanessa's soft little head and rocking back and forth in the uncomfortable, plastic chair.

The funeral was held a week later. Patton was wearing a very nice black suit that matched his dark black shoes.

The room he rented in the funeral home was filled with people, they walked past Patton in a line each shaking his hand or giving him a loving, sympathetic hug. They told him it would be okay, that this was just god's plan.

Patton nodded, he was still crying, it seemed he hadn't stopped ever since he got the call.

Patton was first in Virgil's contacts. A paramedic called the number labeled, 'My Heart <3'

Vanessa was mostly unaffected, of course. She was only one and a half years old and currently being held and played with by Virgil's mother. She and Patton were the only family Virgil's mother had left. She was quite the spoiler, constantly showering each of them with love and gifts.

After a while, the line thinned and everyone sat back down, including Patton. The priest stood behind Virgil's casket to say some prayers. Virgil was wearing his wedding suit. It was a dark purple along with a silky light blue bow tie that matched the suit Patton had worn, a purple bow tie around his own neck.

The priest spoke for a while, then Patton went up and tearfully talked about how much he loved and cared for Virgil then about how much he and Vanessa would miss him. Virgil's mother gave a presentation on her son's life, she added some funny stories of his childhood in an attempt to raise the mood for a few moments.

A few short hours later, everyone got into their cars and followed the funeral procession to the local cemetery. And, of course, it started raining. The cemetery provided everyone with black umbrellas and they watched Virgil's nice, shiny, dark brown casket get lowered into the grave.

Vanessa ran around in the rain, Virgil's mother tried to reel her in but she was having too much fun jumping into puddles, ruining her purple dress. Her flower bow had fallen off long ago.

Patton began to bawl, Virgil's mother embraced him and he cried into her shoulder while she weeped into his.

"I know, he was gone much too soon. But it's going to be okay" she whispered to her son-and-law.

Here lies
Virgil Sanders
Loving husband, son, and father
December 19, 1996 - April 7, 2028

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