I miss you

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TW: mentions of past death..

Patton sighed and got himself ready for bed. He was tired and confused. He got his pajamas on and brushed his teeth. When he came back to the bedroom to sleep, he noticed that the porcelain doll he placed on the chair was now tucked into bed on the side Virgil usually slept. He picked up the doll and set it on the chair again before getting into bed.

Virgil sighed, Patton didn't even seem to think twice about his actions, how would he let his former lover know he was still here with him? Virgil had to stay persistent, he picked up his porcelain doll again and carried it to his daughter's room.

"Vee-?" Virgil said, hoping he could talk to her for a while.

Vanessa woke up to her father's touch and looked around, trying to find the ghostly figure of her father. "Papa" She said when she spotted him.

Virgil chuckled a bit. "Hey baby girl, how are you feeling?" He asked the two year old as she sat up in her crib to talk to him.

"Good, dada sad though" she added.

Virgil frowned but nodded, "I know, I'm sad too" he told her.

"Why?" Vanessa wanted to know.

Virgil sighed softly, he didn't really want to explain it to her but felt like he should anyway. "I went away, and dada is sad because he can't see me like you can.."

Vanessa tilted her head, clearly confused. This caused a Virgil to sigh again. He knew it was late and Patton would want her sleeping. "I'll come up with a better explanation for tomorrow, how about you get some sleep, hm?" Virgil laid the small child back down and kissed her forehead.

She giggled at that, the cold feeling of her father's lips on her forehead gave her a shiver along with goosebumps.

Virgil rubbed her back and she eventually fell back asleep from the comfort of her papa there with her. When he heard the girl snore, Virgil chuckled quietly and walked out into the living room. He sat down on the carpeted floor next to the cream coloured couch and cried silently, watching as his cold tears dampened the carpet under him slightly. It was confusing, Virgil himself was a ghost-or something like that- and he didn't understand why or how or what to do now.

Eventually, Virgil stopped crying. He looked at the clock and saw that it was around three in the morning. "The devil's hour" he said with a chuckle. Virgil stood up and went back into Patton's room, he had left the doll in the crib with Vanessa so she hopefully knew he was thinking of her.

He watched as Patton stirred in the bed and pulled the blankets up, he had felt a draft in the room, no doubt from Virgil's presence.

"I love you, Patton, and I miss you" he said, feeling his eyes water again, knowing Patton could hear what he was saying and hoping his husband remembered that he still loved him just as much as he did on their wedding day.

Virgil walked over and laid on top of the covers next to his husband and closed his eyes to try to get some sleep.

A/N: sorry I'm just now updating this story, I kinda forgot about it honestly. And I swear I cried when I went back and read my other chapters. 😅
Anygay, this is kind of a bland chapter I don't have many ideas.. maybe comment some suggestions?
Jared ((:

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