Vee's doll

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TW: mention of past death and loss, creepy doll (let me know if you ever see a trigger in any of my writings that I forgot to mention and I'll add it! -thanks!)

Bonnie's idea was to put away some of Virgil's things. Not to get rid of them, but just keep them out of sight for the time being in an attempt to decrease the daily reminders of the loss.

While Vanessa was still sleeping, the two of them put the mugs Virgil had used most often, his clothes, special blankets and hoodies that Patton walked past each day that just made him too sad.

Bonnie explained to him that they were not forgetting nor getting rid of Virgil's items yet but just putting them in the guest room closet so they could try to move on with daily life.

"When you're feeling better" she said, "you can get some things back out. Or when you really miss him and just want to smell his clothes, they're going to be right here in the bins"

Patton nodded, he smiled slightly, hopeful of the plan.

They were getting the last of the things put away when Patton came across a particular item.

A porcelain doll.

Patton picked it up and examined it, the doll was very well kept- perhaps one of Virgil's most prized possessions, besides Patton and Vanessa. It wore a beautiful purple dress and had long, dark black hair with a matching purple hat sewn into the hair. It also had black fabric tights and black, knee-high, wedged boots.

He chuckled sadly, "I remember when Virgil got this.. we were in some weird store and he said he had to have it. I told him no because it was so creepy.. But then on our anniversary a few months later I bought it for him anyway. I still hated it. I mean- look how creepy it is" Patton explained, he held to doll out for Bonnie.

She took it and looked it over, smiling, "it certainly looks like something Virgil would like"

"Into the bin it goes" Patton said as he set the doll in and secured the bin's green lid on top, he stood up and slowly closed the guest room's closet door.

By that time, it was pretty late in the day so Bonnie went home and Patton woke Vanessa up from her nap to have dinner.

Soon after, Vanessa began to play with her toys in the living room. Patton felt a little bit better after his closure activity involving Virgil's special things. He sat on the floor next to his daughter and facilitated a conversation with the lively two year old.

"This bear is the princess so he wears the crown and the other bear lives in the cottage so he doesn't have a crown" the little girl wearing a pink dress slurred to her father who smiled and nodded, not exactly positive he understood her words.

Hours later when the two tired of playing, Patton gave Vanessa a warm bath. Despite growing restless with playing in the other room, Vanessa giggled and splashed around in the tub with newfound energy.

Patton laughed along with her, he tried to control her splashing as she kept getting him, the floors, and walls wet with the soapy water.

When the bathtime fun had ceased, Vanessa read a short, hardback book to her father and then fell asleep. Patton opened the guest room's closet door to peek inside at the items one last time before going off to bed himself.

The next morning when Patton awoke to Vanessa talking to herself in her bedroom, he went over to bring her to the kitchen for breakfast.

The male stopped in his tracks upon entering the room. He saw the pale porcelain doll in the wooden crib with his daughter.

"Hey, Vee" he said to her, shaking his confused thoughts and coming closer to the bed. "Where'd you find this?" Patton wondered, gesturing to the aesthetically purple doll.

She only replied with her own babbling talk as her father lifted her from the crib and walked with her to the table in the other room.

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