Chapter Four

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The Haze Collection: Blue Flames

Copyright © 2012 Christine Summer

All Rights Reserved ® 2012

Chapter Four

“Effie!” I heard Abbie scream my name when I entered the café the next day. She stalked towards me with a frown and I instantly knew that I will hear an earful right there. She stared at me, with arms akimbo. “What happened? Explain.” She demanded with authority.

I know what that means; it means that if I don’t tell her what happened while I was out from work, she’ll surely have a fit and I don’t want that. She’s really scary when she’ angry.

I sighed as I put my apron on. “Okay.” I answered, defeated.

I went to the tables and started wiping them as my daily routine kicked in. She followed me around like I was under surveillance with her glare, as I cleaned the tables.

“Well, uh, here’s what happened…” I trailed off, still thinking it through if I should tell her or lie.

“What?” she demanded.

I gulped involuntarily. Her tenacious attitude is scary too.

“Uh, I was walking home and I got distracted by this really, really pretty flower.” I started with a grin. Just picturing that flower in my mind is making me smile. “Then, it started to get dark and I can’t see my way so I was stuck in the middle of the woods in the cold night.”

Well, it was half the truth, I know she would not believe me if I tell her the rest; especially because Mrs. Hawthorne and Perry are listening at my story telling.

I even heard Mrs. Hawthorne gasp at my unfortunate tale and mumble, “My poor child.”

I nodded at her sympathy while Perry shook his head at me.

“So,” I continued. “I stayed there until morning, hoping that no wild animal would attack me and not to freeze to death.”

Another gasp came from Mrs. Hawthorne while Perry stared at me as if I was crazy.

“Then,” I said with a sigh. “Kieran found me, burning up with fever and took me home. And that is why I didn’t get to work for a couple of days.” I finished, now picking up the mop.

“You had a fever? And it all started just because you got distracted by a freaking flower!” Abbie exclaimed, flushing with annoyance. “You scared the heck out of me worrying what your pretty little butt got into this time…and it was all because of some plant? How stupid can you get?!” she started lecturing me.

“B-but, Apples…” I tried to defend myself. “It was pretty.” I mumbled with my head hung low.

“What?” she fumed, pushing her face forward at me.

“Err…” I trailed off.

“Lay it off, Abbs,” Perry intervened. “She just got over her fever.”

She glared at Perry before stomping and disappearing to the staff room.

I sighed. “Thanks Perry.” I thanked him sincerely.

He patted my head with a wry smile on his face. “No problem. Just don’t get distracted with some flower again.” He mocked and punched his arm playfully. “Ouch, lay it off the rematch, Grant!”

We chuckled at each other. “No seriously Effie.” He continued. “You know how Abbie is, don’t worry too much. She’s just worried about you, is all.”

I smiled up at him knowing he’s right.



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