Chapter Five

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The Haze Collection: Blue Flames

Copyright © 2012 Christine Summer

All Rights Reserved ® 2012

Chapter Five

“Beau!” I exclaimed as he tried to move. “Don’t you even dare!”

He smirked up at me. “What?” he asked, feigning innocence.

“I’m not joking, Greene!” I tried threatening him, but it came out more as a shriek.

“What will you do about it, Grant?” he asked, mischievously. He is so mocking me right now!

I glared at him. “No.” I exclaimed as I tried to reach out but it was too late. He popped the last chocolate chip cookie into his mouth and chewed it slowly, mocking me. I gasped and stared at him as I watch him smirk up at me with amusement before sneaking out of my room.

He stayed up late with me while we past time eating. That’s like our bonding time.

“Kieran!” I shrieked.  I heard him laugh as he descended the two-storey distance, jumping out of my window like a feline. He’s very sneaky.

I sat pouting in front of my window. Stupid Beau.

I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and sulk in the bathtub.

“I’ll get you for this, Kieran Greene!” I screamed at the white ceiling with conviction. I sighed, knowing that I can’t do that.

Once I tried pulling a prank at him, putting a bucket of water at the door so that when he opens it, he will get soaked. You know the old school prank. Before I could even pull the prank and do it to him, he got me.

I don’t know what else happened. I just remember crying as he tried to threaten me with a lollipop.

Aaarggh! He knew me so well!

I got out of the tub and dried myself quickly before the cold could bite me. I changed into my pajamas and went to bed.

I sighed as I stared up into the ceiling.

Kieran has been with me for so long and knowing he is having troubles that he wouldn’t even share with me, frustrates me. It’s like I wanted to ask him but I can’t because he will just get upset. I know that it was a big deal for him and it’s not like I could just ignore his feelings.

I groaned and tried to close my eyes but a sudden force, so strong, slammed me backwards onto my bed when I tried to sit up to flick off the lights.

“What--?” I shrieked, and pried my eyes open abruptly, but eventually, my vision blurred.

What the heck?

I started panicking but it happened so fast that the hair at the back of my neck stood up. I was constricted to an awkward position on my bed: my upper half body was on top of the mattress while my legs are hanging on the side.

I was hyperventilating as my eyes roamed the blurry vision.


A shadow suddenly casted over me in a blurry figure, the size of a man, hovering above me as if watching me bemusedly.

What is it? Who is it?

I can’t move my mouth to utter a word or shout or scream for help so all I could make were hopeless whimpers.

Help. Please. Stop.

The figure leaned down at me and I forced my eyes shut, dreading for the worst. No,no,no! Please, stop it! I’m waiting for it…for that…no.

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