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Waking up to a beeping alarm, The young don yawned tiredly. "Ah. It's morning?" He turned off his phone.

Sitting up, he felt his muscles ached a bit. 4 hours He manage to sleep.

"Huh, not bad~" he grinned to himself before then fixing his appearance for the day.

Going to the dining hall, he wasn't expecting anyone there, but there's his rain.
"Eh? Takeshi?" He blinked.

The Raven smiled, but it did not reach his eyes. "Hi, Tsuna"

The Brunet halted on his step.

He said 'Hi' and not the usual 'Yo!' In addition of the bitterness In his tone.

"Takeshi, what's wrong?" He asked worriedly, ignoring the fact that under normal circumstances he should have question as of why he didn't report his arrival firsthand.

"Pops is sick." Is all he said. And with how he's practically dragging himself in his tone. It's obviously not just a mere cold.

"I'll clear your work load. Need help on finding ticket to Japan?" Tsuna said though then scratched the idea, "Just take my jet and go. I'm contacting the pilot now"

"I..."eyes slightly widen, The Pained smile slightly become more genuine, "Thanks Tsuna"

The Sky smiled back at him before continuing with the call.

"Say my hi to Yamamoto-San, okay?"

The Rain nods as he saw the younger waved at his retreating figure.

Tsuna can only sighed.

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