Lending a Hand

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Gathering in the meeting room, everyone is silent. Waiting for Reborn for to speak up for he was the one at the scene yesterday.

"Dame-Tsuna..." He started, taking their attention. "He's smiling"

Putting down his fedora on the table, that hitman let his guard down for he himself feel tired already. Unlike any other occasions, his student is actually giving up.

"That idiot is smiling in content as if having the greatest dream of his life. For fuck sake I want to shoot him to oblivion" he grumped, running a hand onto his spiky locks.

"Sleeping pills, huh..." Lambo chocked back a sob as a bitter chuckle escaped his lips instead. "No wonder he's been dozing off and unfocused lately. And here I though he's just being lethargic."

"I know something is wrong" Hayato clenched his fists, using all of his self control not to bang the table and take a beating for himself. "Jyuudaime's smile was restrained. I should have trusted my gut"

Takeshi couldn't bring himself to talk. Like. At all. He's already in pain knowing that his dear father will leave him soon. And to think that he might lose his sky almost at the same time. He just... can't.

The mist-couple and the usually bright sun guardian themselves suddenly forgot that they were happy not so long ago as they look back at the memories. And the pain upon the realization on how their friend's smile has been indeed tainted, is not something they ever anticipated. To think that Mukuro felt the same way despite how he usually loves torturing others, sometimes even just for fun.

"Is there really no way to snap him out of it?" Kyoya asked, rather Desperate himself. He can't lose his home again. After losing his parents, he can't phantom the hurt he'll get if he were to lose his place to return anymore. To hell Namimori.

"Well, people said 'if there's a will there's a way' So~"


Alarmed, weapons are pointed at the foreign voice owner.

A kid. Albino. Hanging upside down from the chandelier.

"Don't attack. And I promise I'll explain" he raised his hands in mock defeat. Tone rather uncaring at the possible danger he's in.

"10 seconds" Reborn granted, Leon gun at hand and fedora back to where it belong.

"I'm a white rabbit. Someone from another dimension. Similar to Byakuran though not quite. Putting that aside, however, I was sent here to help you.

"Who's your boss?" The hitman asked still not satisfied by the boy's answer.

"I can't tell. But what I can, is the fact that your sky is currently enjoying himself. And if you don't want him to drift further and soon to be out of your reach, I kindly suggest you to lower your weapons and let me help." He said, a smile irkily resembling one of their dearest.

Assessing the situation, although still cautious, Reborn lowers his gun. Albeit confused though not disobeying, one by one the guardians did.

"The name is Schnier" the boy introduced as he gracefully hops down to the meeting table.

"—and I am here to be your cheat sheet~" he grinned

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