Inner Desire

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"Dame-Tsuna" the hitman had called.

The young sky turned to him.

"...Reborn?" Confusion is crystal in his eyes, even more as he saw his guardians not so far behind he man himself.

Snapping his head to the one he's been talking to, the resemblance are eerie. They're practically the same person.

They're not

His hyper intuition has been telling him all this time, but he choose to ignore it. He's happy here. They are happy here.

Then why are those people at the door?

"What are you doing here?" Getting overprotective, the guardians are all on their feet, ready to fight Their Look Alike. The said People however, doesn't seem to be willing to return the gesture. They remained calm and collected, yet somehow Tsuna felt highly disappointed. He was forced to admit what he has known all along.

"It's okay, minna. They are the real deal"

the dream folks froze. "tsuna..." takeshi called out, "you know?"

An apologetic smile is present on his face as he stands up, patting his shoulder, "Gomen" he said. "You guys have been a great company" he ruffles the taller male's hair.

"You know" Reborn's tone only darken. "Then why are you not trying to—"

"Because he doesn't want to, duh" reborn answered him, standing in front of the brunet, shielding him from possible attack the other hitman might came up with.

"He's done with you all. we are better. we treat him better. to us he is our sky. our friend. we aren't going to return him without a fight" he announced. To which the rest of them raised their weapons again.

This time, The Guardians are ready to attack also. Do any means to get back their beloved.

Exasperated, Tsuna sighs heavily, gone all of the cheerfulness from his tone, only weariness. the dream folks dropped their weapons at the cue and instead, began to get all over him, trying to make him feel better. they succeed, and Tsuna's smile did return although just for a bit.

Another scar shall be embedded in Their hearts at the sight.

"Are these guys for real?" That earned glares and growls from the offended ones.

are they really something that we could never become?

That was left unsaid.

"minna" Tsuna called softly. "I..."

"Usagi, you don't have to go back with them" kyoya cuts him off.

"You have suffered enough, bossu... let us take care of you" chrome added.

"for a moment there you wanted to believe, right? That we are the real ones?" hayato's smile is strained, but a smile nevertheless, not a frown that his Look Alike is currently having.

"I know" Tsuna's confession pained Them.

"I... I really want to stay with all of you, here, where we can be happy" he stutter, heavy on heart as he spoke.

"Dame-Tsuna" that got the brunet to stiffen. "You are dying" his eyes widened at the news.


"The longer you stayed here, the more We can't reach you" The former Arcobaleno said, expression shadowed by his trademark fedora.

"We're not perfect, No where near it actually. Even I'm not arrogant enough to say otherwise. However..." He trailed. "Aren't We your family?"

There he goes with another family shit.

It's getting stale, really.

"So, caro figlio, What do you think?" gently lifting the sky's head, those onyx pair of his shone with care on the contrary of the one's waiting on the door.

"where do you want to be?" he asked.

and honestly, Tsuna has never felt this torn...

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