Chapter Eighteen: Nezuko

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After Nezuko hearing Tanjiro's death, the disease that makes her weak, suddenly was burned by her demonic blood and the fear and anger she is feeling right now. She kicks the door and runs away to look for Tanjiro.

"Nezuko, wait!!" Urokodaki yelled as he tries to chase Nezuko.

'How did she managed to be feeling well after the disease tries to eat her whole stamina? Maybe because of Tanjiro's death.' Urokodakit thought while running.


While Kanao and Shinobu are still trying to take Tanjiro's corpse away from the battle between Akaza and Eugene, the two created huge shockwaves and blasts that makes the fortress shake.

'Such tremendous power this two possess! I wonder who will survive until the end!' Shinobu thought.

Kanao can't stop crying while carrying Tanjiro's corpse away from the battle. She remembers the memories she had with Tanjiro in the Butterfly estate before Tanjiro and she came to this situation.


"I wonder Kanao, why do you always rely the way of you expressing your feelings through that coin?" Tanjiro asked.

"My master told me that if I can't decide in in my ways, then I should flip this coin and let it decide of what should I do next." Kanao replied.

"Eh? B-But why is it that you rely it always on the coin, may I ask what really happened to yoy before? Sorry to say this but, you have a different scent from Lady Shinobu, like the bloodline of yours to her. Aren't you relatives or what?" Tanjiro asked.

"No, I wasn't. I was adopted by them, and... I lived such a cruel life before in my own parents' territory." Kanao replied as she starts to cry.

"I'll listen to you. No matter how it pains you much. Because I'm here to treat all the pain you are enduring all by yourself." Tanjiro said while hugging Kanao sidewards.

Kanao explained everything about her life since she was a kid and how she was treated by her parents and how they should dispose her as well. Tanjiro can't believe what he is hearing from Kanao. Tanjiro gave Kanao some advices to her so that she would feel well from remembering those harsh moments of her life.

"Not all the times Kanao, that coin will decide the fate of your life. What if one day, you're in the verge of dying, would you still rely it on your coin if you still live or not? Use your heart and feelings to help you in your problems." Tanjiro said and smiles at Kanao.

'This smile... This comfort I am receiving right now... This boy... I should protect it at all costs.' Kanao thought.

Flashback Ended

'I can now make decision of my own and expressing my feelings as well. But... I can't even protect the man... who taught me how to live in this cruel and unfair world! I wish... We could live on another world without war and fear and we become lovers and live a normal life.' Kanao thought.

Akaza low kicks Eugene and making him stumble but he uses his Kamui to teleport away and appears again twenty steps away from Akaza.

"Such a coward move, bring it on! Fight me till death!" Akaza yelled.

'I can't just rely more on my power. I should try to hit one blow against him. I know all of his body parts can regenerate. So, I'll find a weakpoint of him where he can't regenerate much faster.' Eugene thought.

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