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So there's a dragon on a rooftop nearby. 



Yeah, that makes sense.


I've never seen a dragon in person. I've studied them, of course, but looking at ornate illustrations and being terrifyingly close to one are to very different matters. The heat from its fire is radiating and suffocating, even from this distance. I wonder, briefly, why it's even here. Dragons aren't native to London. I don't even think they live in this part of the country anymore, let alone urban areas. It spits fire again, pulling me out observational mode and into defense. I look briefly over at Snow, just to see if he's already off running away from it (like any Normal would) or if he's passed out or something (I can spell him stupid after I take care of this) but he's standing his ground. 

Not only is he standing his ground, but he has somehow managed to produce a long, elegant blade. I raise an eyebrow at him and pull my wand out of my sleeve, aiming it at the dragon but keeping my eyes firmly on Snow's for a moment to register his reaction. I suppose I expected him to accuse me of something (like being a vampire, for Merlin's sake) but he just tilts his head in confusion for a moment before turning back towards the dragon.

She's a magnificent creature––red and glorious. I wonder if my mother every encountered any dragons. If she knew how to send them home.

"It's the Humdrum," Snow says, flailing his sword in the direction of the dragon. 

"The Humdrum is a dragon?" 

Here I was thinking that the Humdrum was some sort of non-corporeal being that just sucked the magic out of the atmosphere. 

He rolls his eyes. "No. Humdrum sent it. I can feel it." 

I would like to know how exactly he knows that this is the Humdrum, but I decide that it's not worth my time right now. The dragon is coming towards us. Slowly. She looks like she's torn––like she doesn't really want to be here. She lands on the street in front of us and Snow immediately rushes off to meet her, swinging his sword like a mad man. 

He is a bit of a mad man, I suppose. And an idiot. 

"Snow, you'll kill her!" I'm trying to think through every spell I know that could have some value in this situation. What will either render her unconscious or spell her away? I don't think I have enough magic to do much, but surely a spell is a better bet than whatever Snow is trying to do with his sword. 

"I know!" he shouts in reply, still swinging his sword. 

I roll my eyes and decide that a nursery rhyme might just do the trick. I don't think I'm powerful enough for it on my own, but maybe, if Snow has magic, he can say it with me and it'll be enough. I wonder if he's a powerful magician or if he's maybe a dud and that's why he's carrying around a sword instead of a wand. 

"Snow, I'm going to spell her home," I say.

He turns to face me, sword still swinging blindly behind him. The dragon is unaffected by his slashes and instead howls in response, spewing fire in her wake. She seems...angry almost. Can dragons have emotions like that?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2020 ⏰

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