6 - But sleep is important!

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Aizawa looked a bit startled, but that faded quickly. He didn't say anything for a second.

"Depends." Aizawa hummed. "What exactly do you need help with?" His students held a confused look.

"Wel-" Crackle started. A yell from the crowd interrupted him.

"We just want to go home!" Flamingo whimpered, turning a dark blue with splotches of lime dark green, then flickered a few shades darker. "I haven't been able to find anything that doesn't taste like a moldy mango, it's too cold, it's supposed to be suntime right now, and I can't find any leaves big enough to make a mat or hammock!" Limpid and Jam made sounds of agreement, being Rainwings as well, they understood her pain.

"I would kill for a melon right now." Jam mumbled. Limpid hummed.

"I dunno, I'm in more of a coconut mood." She said, and Jam nodded in agreement. Flamingo kicked a nearby stone.

"And by the freaking three moons I'm tired." She grumbled. Jam and Limpid nodded (Well, you couldn't really tell, but the flowers in her hair moved up and down).

"Right?" Limpid agreed.

"Yeah, I might fall over, asleep." Jam chimed in. The class was watching with a confused and bored expression.

"WILL YOU PLEASE FOCUS ON SOMETHING OTHER THAN YOUR SLEEP SCHEDULE, WE HAVE MORE IMPORTANT THINGS TO WORRY ABOUT," Crackle yelled at them, his composure breaking. His wings were flared out, and his tail barb was bared and swishing back and forth. "LIKE THE FACT THAT WE'RE FREAKING SCAVENGERS RIGHT NOW, AND HAVE NO IDEA WHERE WE ARE?" He finished, waving his arms at them and their surroundings. Flamingo lept back with a yelp. Jam threw his wings around his face and camouflaged on reflex. Limpid made a noise and seemed to sulk. Crackle whipped back around to face Aizawa.

"Now then, have you ever heard of the continent of Pyrrhia?" Crackle asked, trying to keep himself calm, but his tail was still swishing. Aizawa shook his head. "That's not good, oooh not good." He placed his hands on his head and started pacing. Aizawa gave him a confused look.

"What is that?" Aizawa asked a pacing Crackle.

"Our home." Crackle muttered. He stopped pacing for a moment and reached for a pocket under his poncho. He pulled out a whitish yellow scroll, opened it, rolled it back up, then handed it to Aizawa. Aizawa took it and unrolled it. He studied it with a confused expression. Then he rolled it back up and handed it back.

"Sorry, never seen it." Aizawa said, shrugging. "But we could check maps to be sure." Crackle nodded quickly, his wings were shaking slightly.

"Where do we all go?" Crackle said shakily, pointing to the group behind him, (sans the Bakusquad, who was still standing with them).

"What if they stay in the dorms?" Ashido piped up, and heads turned to her. "We have extra rooms don't we? It might be a bit packed, but they need somewhere to go!" various indecisive murmurs echoed through the crowd.

"It's fine if you say no, we can go back to the field, it's really no big deal." Thrip said quickly. Aizawa sighed.

"I'll check with the rest of the staff to see if that's okay, but it also has to be alright with my class." Aizawa said, turning to his class at the end. "For now you can come with us." The group made various excited murmurs.

"What about training?" Midoriya reminded him. Aizawa sighed again.

"If they agree, you can stay here and train for now. But I have to go talk to the teachers." Aizawa told him, the group slowly nodded, and he continued, "Alright, Iida, you're in charge." he waved to the boy in the glasses as he was walking away.

"Okay everyone, we should begin with introductions!" Iida said. "Since you look so much like our classmates, we should know your names so we don't mix you up!" They all nodded, and a clawed hand shot up.

"Yes, uh-," Iida said, looking into the face of his dragon double.

"My name is Peregrine." He told him. Iida nodded.

"Okay then Peregrine, what is it that you wanted to ask?" Iida asked.

"I would like to suggest a way to organize ourselves!" Peregrine told him.

"That's an excellent idea! What is it?" Iida agreed, nodding.

"We can separate ourselves by tribe." Peregrine informed him. Iida looked confused.

"I don't know how you would do that, but if you think that would be a good way to do things, go right ahead!" Iida said. Peregrine smiled and moved to the front of the crowd.

"Alright! Everybody line up, first HiveWings, then IceWings, LeafWings will go next, after them is MudWings, NightWings can go here, RainWings here, then SandWings, Seawings next, SilkWings line up here, Skywings after them, and Hybrids can go right here." Peregrine directed, showing them where to line up, moving his arms and wings in a very animated motion. All of the dragon-humans moved around, lining up as Peregrine had told them, and the five from class 1-A joined back with their class.

The order was as following: Cardinal, Firefly, Gingko, Oleander, Stevia, Brainwasher, Shadowwatcher, Flamingo, Jam, Limpid, Crackle, Octopus, Moth, Spider, Thrip, Peach, Slush, Glitz, Bubble, and Lionfish. Once they were in a decent enough line, Peregrine continued.

"We'll start with Cardinal, then continue until it gets to the last one of us. When it's your turn, you state your name and tribe." He turned to Iida. "Is there anything else you want to know?"

"Your Quirks." Iida told him. Peregrine frowned.

"I don't know what those are. Would you describe them?" He asked Iida. Iida looked confused.

"Well, they are a special ability that 80 percent of the population possesses." Iida informed him. Peregrine nodded.

"So if someone could breathe fire, that would be like an ability or quirk?" Peregrine asked. Iida nodded.

"Alright, when it is your turn, in addition to stating you name and tribe, state your abilities." Peregrine told them. He signaled for Cardinal to start, then joined at the end of the line.


Another done.


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