7 - And Your Name is?

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"Hello! My name is Cardinal, I'm a HiveWing. My err, abilities are venoms and poisons don't work on me, and very tough scales." He happily informed them, then he nudged Firefly, who started.

"Hey, name's Firefly. I, like Cardinal, am a HiveWing. My ability is, like lightning, I guess sorta. It's like a toxin in my claws, wingtips, tail, and sometimes teeth, that feels like a huge burst of lightning, but it always leaves my head kinda foggy and not the best at thinking things through." Firefly told them, fluffing out his wings at the end, whacking Cardinal, and almost Gingko, who backed up. Then Firefly folded his wings back and Gingko began.

"Hello. I'm Gingko, a LeafWing. I have a weird leafspeak that affects animals, so in short, I can talk and control animals." He said softly and quickly. He nodded at Oleander, who nodded back.

"My name is Oleander, I'm also a LeafWing, I don't really have many special abilities. I guess I have strong legs, and I'm very skilled in poisons from amphibians." Oleander told them, finishing and poking Stevia.

"Hi, my name is Stevia, I'm a MudWing. I can hold my breath for an hour, and breath fire, but only if I'm warm enough." He said cherrily, then smiled at Brainwasher.

"Name's Brainwasher, Nightwing, have this weird ability where if I activate it, those who respond verbally to me, I can control them, also breathing fire." Brainwasher said quickly. Shadowwatcher began.

"I am Shadowwatcher, a NightWing as well. I can breathe fire." He said.

"Those are very exaggerant names." Kaminari blurted. 'Like DnD names.' He whispered to Ashido. Ashido giggled and whipped a 'Shhhh!' Crackle snorted.

"Congrats, you just described all NightWing names." He said, smirking. Giggles and snorts ran through the line as Brainwasher and Shadowwatcher glared at him.

"Well, hey! I'm Flamingo, a RainWing! I can change colors, and spit acid from my fangs!" Flamingo said, having herself flash several colors, earning a few 'ooos' from class 1-A. "Your turn!" Flamingo poked the top of Jam's head.

"Hey, I'm Jam, also a RainWing, so I can also change colors. I can spit venom from my fangs, but it's not harmful, just incredibly sticky." Jam said, opening his mouth and pointing to his sharp fangs. He closed his mouth. "You next." He said to Limpid.

"Limpid, that's my name. I, like my buddies, am a RainWing." She chirped, wrapping an invisible wing draped in flowers around Jam and Flamingo, who both smiled and Flamingo let out a laugh. "So that means I can spit venom, but I just can't stop camouflaging, so I wear tons of flowers." She finished happily. "Now you!" She said to Crackle.

"Hey, I'm Crackle, a SandWing. My fire comes out like explosions, and I have a tail barb, which is lethal, and there's no curing cactus, so don't get me mad enough to stab you. It's also very flammable." He informed them. "Go." He told Octopus.

"My name is Octopus, I'm a SeaWing. I can breathe underwater, and speak Aquatic." he said, pointing to marks along his arms and face, lighting up a few in a distinctive pattern. Lionfish and Bubble gasped, the latter reaching over and whacking him with a wing. Not a painful whack, just to say STOP.

"Dude! That was uncalled for!" Bubble hissed at him. Octopus sat there smirking, while Lionfish told him to please not. Limpid was very interested.

"What? What did he say?" Limpid pried, reaching over and poking Bubble and Lionfish. Who shook their heads. "Teelllll meeee!" She squealed, latching onto Bubble's arm and shaking her.

"I am not repeating that." Bubble grumbled. Lionfish nodded. Limpid sighed and gave up. Octopus finally continued.

"I also have night vision and six arms." He finished, raising three of them to show the webbing that connected them, resembling his wings. "Your turn." He said to Moth.

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