5 - Off we go!

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A group of 21 dragon-scavengers and five scavengers were now heading down to meet the five scavengers classmates, (or humans, Kirishima had informed him).

Flamingo, Spider, Firefly, and Cardinal were happy to carry their human counterparts, chatting with them the entire time.

Where Crackle was fine carrying Bakugou, and Bakugou didn't care, they said nothing to each other.

Thrip was happily chatting with Bubble and Moth, and also with Peregrine, but he was also trying to keep the rest of the group in check (He would also be good at leading, with his good vision, but he was better at keeping the group under control).

Slush was leading, since he had the second best vision, with Peach nearby, having a great vision as well. Peach chatted with him now and then, and Slush gave a simple response, whilst keeping his focus on finding the group.

He stopped suddenly, and the rest of the group either bumped into each other, or stopped in a weird sporadic manner.

"They're right down there." Slush said, pointing down to an open dirt field. "They look as if they are looking for something." Many squinted, trying to see the crowd. Moth moved her antenne in their direction, twitching them every which way.

"I can hear them, one girl is chatting with another about someone named, uhh, Mina." Moth told them. Ashido's eyes widened.

"That's me!" She gasped. Flamingo looked down at her with a puzzled expression.

"I thought your name was Ashido?" Flamingo questioned.

"Oh that's because humans have two names, but close friends and family call people by their first name. Like, my first name is Mina, and my last name is Ashido." She explained. Flamingo made an 'o' shape with her mouth. Moth continued.

"Oh, now a guy is talking about a, err, Kacchan?" Moth said. Bakugou made a growling noise.

"That's Deku's stupid nickname for me." Bakugou spat. Crackle made a clicking noise.

"Deku?" Cardinal asked.

"Midoriya, another guy in our class." Kirishima told him.

"This older guy is talking about continuing without them, and they can get failing grades if they want, now that same boy is suggesting looking for them." Moth went on.

"We should probably go in there now." Sero told them. The other four humans nodded. The dragons slowly lowered down towards the group. It began to be slowly visible, as shapes of more people began to fade in. They got close enough to be right above them.

"WE HAVE ARRIVED!" Kaminari shouted at them, drawing many eyes. He then struck a ridiculous pose, causing Firefly to almost drop him.

"That wasn't necessary!" Firefly whined. Kaminari smiled.

"But if was cool though." Kaminari said.

"True, True." Firefly agreed, nodding. He flew closer to the ground, then dropped Kaminari. The entirety of class 1-A was silent and shocked. The rest of the group flew down to the ground, landing, and carefully dropping passengers if they had them. Flamingo dropped Ashido at a weird angle, causing her to fall backwards on the dirt. She quickly popped back up and waved at the class.

"Hi! We're back! And we found dragon clones!" She squealed. Thrip landed and quickly skipped over to her.

"No you didn't. We found you, you lost little mushrooms!" Thrip corrected. He saw the shocked class and turned to them with a smile.

"Hello! My name is Thrip!" He said cherrily, then pointed to Ashido and the others. "You are their classmates, yes?" A few slow nods were all he received. "Great!" His gaze fell on Aizawa. "Then you must be Aizawa, correct?" More nods, but nothing from Aizawa, apart from a very dark glare.

The bandages around his neck shot out, reaching for Thrip. In a moment of panic, he shot a small piece at a nearby tree. It flopped on a branch. The bandages caught him in a tight spiral. Thrip concentrated, poking his tail into the dirt and tapping into his link through the silk.

Hello, can you help me please? Thrip thought to it. The tree would probably help, trees were sturdy and reliable, a bit slow though.

Alright, what do you need help with? The tree hummed. Can you please wrap around the man in the black, with the bandages around his neck for me? Thrip asked it kindly. The tree thought for a moment.

Yes, I could do that. Thrip smiled wide, and he thought he saw a confused expression on Aizawa. Thank you! If you could do it fast, that would be great! Thrip said to the tree.

Thrip poured his magic into the tree, and roots shot out of the ground and towards Aizawa from behind, and too quickly for him to react, they wrapped around him. Thrip felt the bandages loosen around him, and he shook them off. The students behind him quickly got into a fighting stance. Thrip jumped back, making a squeaking noise.

"How did you do that? I erased your quirk!" Aizawa said, still wrapped in the tree's powerful roots. Thrip gave him a puzzled expression.

"I don't know what that is." Thrip said, earning lots of confused looks for the class. "But anyways, we're here because Bakugou told us you might be able to help us." He paused. "Sorry for wrapping you up, I'm a bit jumpy." Thrip walked up to Aizawa and touched the tree roots.

Thank you, that was a big help! You can go back underground now. Thrip thought to the tree.

Hmm, you're welcome. Thrip sent a touch of magic into the roots, and they uncurled from around Aizawa and back into the ground. Aizawa looked at Bakugou.

"What did you do?" He growled.

"I didn't do anything!" Bakugou spat back. Crackle nodded.

"Yeah, he didn't do much, except be really heavy." Crackle said, and several giggles were heard. Bakugou glared at him, sparks popping from his hands.

"WHAT DID-" Bakugou started.

"You can't insult me without insulting yourself." Crackle interrupted, his ears twitching. Bakugou's hands sagged. He still tried though.

"YOU SCORPION!" He yelled at Crackle. Crackle smiled and wagged his tail.

"Thank you for noticing," Crackle chirped, baring it menacingly. He stared right into Bakugou. "You moon-eyed blob of camel spit." Snickers and snorts ran through the crowd. And while the class looked very amused, they also looked very confused. Bubble let out a loud laugh from behind him.

"You've been spending too much time with Thorn!" She said between laughs. Crackle shrugged.

"She's got good insults." He stated. Crackle let his arms fall to the sides, and shook his wings.

"Anyway, back to the topic at hand. It sucks here, we need help." He turned to Aizawa "Can you help?"


Another chapter done. woooo.

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