1 - 'halo'

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- "Slumber party at Josie's house, you coming?" - Ryujin clung onto Lia's arm pleading with her to say yes.

Lia sighs, she hates parties but she doesn't want Ryujin to end up alone either - "Fine"

Ryujin squealed as she threw her arms around the girl - "I love you so much. Thank you! We're gonna have the best night ever!"

Lia smiles as she shook her head at her friend's undeniable love for parties. Ryujin's a drinker and a party pooper, there's none like her.

- "Gosh. Why do they even allow such posters on the school's announcement board?"

- "Josie's the richest and biggest name in our college, I'm sure there was no saying no to her"

- "Right"

- "And besides, Josie throws the best parties. Girl knows what she's doing" - said Ryujin.

- "I hope so. Come on, classes will start any sooner"

The said girl, Josie Park is the captain of the cheerleading squad and she's born American-Korean. Josie's parents are also owners of this university, which means she's the spoilt daughter you find in rich families. Josie tug in her hair behind her ear as she hums along the corridors heading towards a direction.

Knock knock.

The door opens, greeted by Yeonjun's face. He looks surprised seeing her here - "Josie? What brings you here?"

- "Hi, Yeonjun-oppa! Um, is Soobin-oppa there?"

- "Uh, yeah. Come in" - he invites her in.

Josie enters the room followed by greetings of the club members. She spots Soobin in the corner repairing a broken laptop or something that looks like it. She directly plops next to him.

- "Soobin-oppa!" - she chirps.

- "Hey"

- "So, I'm throwing a slumber party in my dad's mansion, you know the big one. And I've invited everyone in campus. I was thinking if you'd like to come? You know, bring your whole club too?"

He turns around to ask his members but they all nodded instantly like they've been anticipating his question.

- "Okay. We'll come"

- "Yay! That's great!" - she squeals and tries to throw him a hug but he beat her to it before she could even lay a finger on him.

She awkwardly scratches her nape in embarrassment. Soobin is not easy. Yeonjun intervenes - "Josie, can you come back here later? We're kinda busy at the moment"

She looked around -  "oh"

The club was preparing for the upcoming annual campus sports so they're kinda busy. If you ask me what the club does, they're the student body who takes care of all the activities in the university campus.

- "I'll get going then. Bye, oppa"

No reply, she just left. Yeonjun smacked Soobin by his head.

- "Ow! What was that for?" - whined the other rubbing his head.

- "Why are you such a jerk? Josie's all over clouds for you. She even threw you a party because you signed with an agency"

- "In my defense, I never asked for a party. Besides, if  someone were to throw a party, it should be me. I got signed not her"

Yeonjun gave him a nasty look - "You're a jerk"

- "I heard that the first time"

Knock knock

Wish | Soobin × Lia [ Completed ] ✔Where stories live. Discover now