3 - coffee and spices

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Her steps were fast, clicking and furious. Lia quickly slam the door behind her. Soobin was spread around tons of pictures or Polaroids it seems.

- "What do you want?"

- "You're tacky and annoying than I thought"

- "What?"

She slammed the paper before him - "What is this?"

He calmly checks it out - "It's an announcement for a modelling campaign with you and me"

- "And?"

He smiles like a bunny - "I requested us together"

She cannot believe that coming out of his mouth. And he had the audacity to smile.
- "Are you crazy?! Josie is already suspicious of me as it is! And you're calling for a - collaboration or something"

- "Geez. Chill. If we act professional and natural for this project Josie might leave us alone. She's friends with the guy in charge so I expect spies"

- "That's your plan?"

- "Hey. Josie's wary of me too. If we let this work, she'll leave us alone. Well only you, I don't think the same thing applies to me"

- "Why can't you just say yes to her?"

"Oh no. Lia control your mouth"

He perked up - "Do you want me to say yes to her?"

"Yes. Well, no - ugh!!"

- "What's wrong with saying yes?"

He shrugs - "I don't wanna waste my time around a girl who doesn't daze me. She's not my type"

She was satisfied with his answer, wait what? - "Then why don't you tell her?"

He swirls his finger - "She's gone bonkers"

- "But still - do we have to do this photoshoot, I mean campaign?"

- "I want to. Besides your reputations' quite overflowing from Coach Nick. I wanna experience work with you"

That caught her off gaurd. So he's complimenting her and she's baffled for words - "Okay. I'll do it then"

He smiles - "Alright then. Oh. And can you help me settle this photobook? I can't do it alone"

- "Did Yeonjun-oppa set you to it?" - she sat down across him.

- "Yeah. The guy just won't leave me alone"

She smiles - "You two seemed to be very close"

- "Ah, yeah. We've met in middle school, went through high school and now college" - he said sticking the pictures carefully on the paper.

- "I see"

Nothing said further as both fell silent and focused on their work. But it was a nice silence. Untill his phone rang echoing the atmosphere.

- "Excuse me"

He stood up and back faced her - "Yes, mom?" - "I know. This Saturday?" - "okay. Bye, take care" - beep.

- "Your mom?"

- "Yeah. She wants me for a family get together this Saturday"

She nods in acknowledgement - "About this campaign. What is the theme?"

- "Romeo and Juliet"

She pfft - "Seriously? That's too outdated"

- "Tell me about it" - he rolls his eyes - "But the pros are our performance in the campaign will add up to our reports and we might get away with a good grade"

Wish | Soobin × Lia [ Completed ] ✔Where stories live. Discover now