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These were in IsFoodAZodiac 's Zodiac book, go check it out and give them a follow!

Aquarius: ♒Colored hair, hot chocolate, a field of flowers, taking long showers, smiling until their cheeks hurt, drinking with friends, the sound of a movie playing quietly in the background as they fall asleep, combat boots, geodes, starry skies, pool water, song lyrics, bulky headphones, space, telescopes, multi-colored fairy lights, smoke, activism, 24-hour gas stations, magic, navy blue and purple, loves to paint and do any kind of art, wants to live near the seashore, knows many random facts, shares food, messy notes, bullshits an entire essay, has their own distinct style, wants to live their life like they want to.♒

Pisces: ♓Hickeys, ripped denim jackets, bumblebees, rain pattering gently on the window as they try to fall asleep, fluffy clouds, receipts, sunrise, biting their lips, messy eyeliner, discovering new places, flower-scented candles, daydreaming, umbrellas, finger paint, sketchbooks, getting lost in their thoughts, ice cream trucks, earbuds, leggings, sweatshirts, chipped paint, swing sets, daisies, milkshakes, bubbles, old teddy bears, unsent love letters, light blue jeans, loves to sing, feels at home by the ocean, writes poetry, hard-workers, always up for deep conversations, probably did the stupid thing, open curtains, a soft breeze, fairy lights.♓

Aries: ♈Dirty high tops, varsity jackets, graffiti, pins and patches, lightning, live concerts, wide grins, lollipops, skinny jeans, matches, the moment before the drop on a roller coaster, driving with the windows down, the sound of a crackling fire, camping with their friends, a tube of dark red lipstick, ripped fishnets, disco balls, neon signs, movie tickets, rollerblading rinks, listening to a good song for the first time, watching scary movies with their friends, screaming until they lose their voice, hand veins, loud laughs, messy hair, sneaking out at 2 AM, abandoned beaches, stray dogs, karaoke nights out, creaky floorboards.♈

Taurus: ♉Flushed cheeks, playing in the snow, staying up all night to talk to someone they like, caring for someone, hugs, traveling, the sound of a pen scratching against paper, twirling around in a pretty dress, flower crowns, oversized sweaters,mom jeans, mugs, leather, log fires, sunlight peeking through the window, Autumn leaves, succulents, journals, sleeping in on the weekends, messy buns, the smell of rain, soft hands, fuzzy socks, visiting big cities, snoozing your alarm clock, the color yellow, vanilla-scented candles, a tube of aloe vera, fruit smoothies, baking cookies, loves the ukulele.♉

Gemini: ♊Finishing a paper ten minutes before it's due, sending a risky test, ripped skinny jeans, storm clouds, standing in the rain, screaming into their pillow, making out with someone for hours, blasting their music, bright eyes, bicycles, overalls, new friends, art museums, iced coffee, infectious laughter, pastel colors, bubblegum, new books, speakers, yellow highlighter, singing in the shower, glitter, drama, sugar rush, in love with female villains, sharp eyeliner, quick-witted, does things out of spite, in love with dogs, probably cries during movies but won't admit it, easily excited.♊

Cancer: ♋The color blue, grocery shopping, holding hands, love confessions, cherry blossoms, making bad decisions, motorcycles, coffee shops, cotton candy, spicy foods, sweet-talking their way out of things, the beach, hair blowing in the wind, bath bombs, conch shells, balloons, the moon, soft-serve ice cream, the sound of raindrops against the window, knee-high socks, running barefoot, inspirational quotes, lots of hope, chamomile tea, emotions, mermaids and/or unicorns, easily infatuated by love, smelling flowers, picnics in open fields, gets sad when thinking about the past, impressed easily, daydreaming in class, plucking fresh fruit, loves skirts and fashion, would die for their friends.♋

Leo: ♌Long eyelashes, dimples, the feeling of freedom, dancing without a care in the world, buying clothes without looking at the price, lattes, face masks, waterfalls, smirking, making people jealous, blankets fresh out of the dryer, gold stars, sparklers, mascara, romantic poetry, mirrors, sunflowers, running through a meadow, hot baths, monarch butterflies, sunny days, bright eyeshadow, gold, honey, confident in what they do, kill them with kindness, high ponytails, probably wants to visit Paris, not afraid to tell the truth, in love with cute animals, the one to lift others up, good at teamwork, the warm feeling of summer, dragons.♌

Virgo: ♍Campfires, stargazing, old books, rainy days, modern buildings, a steamed up mirror, the rooftop of a building, breathless laughter, the glow of their phone at night, dipping their feet into a swimming pool, a shy kiss on the cheek, glittery eyeshadow, French braids, calligraphy, bookstores, collared shirts, to-do lists, teacups, watercolors, Mason jars, dainty hands, cuffed pants, fresh linens, classic literature, potted plants, fresh air, anxiety, pastel markers, the smell of lavender, has a welcoming vibe around them, actually organized, scrunchies, neat notes, loves going to museums, probably going into photography, neutral colors, handwritten letters.♍

Libra: ♎Having someone play with their hair, flirty texts, the color pink, red roses, high heels, hands on their thighs, scented candles, being complimented, kissing someone they like for the first time, long hair, ace, lip gloss, Ferris wheels, gentle eyes, holding hands, pink lemonade, candy hearts, novels, birds chirping, strawberries, vintage cars, cotton candy clouds, bubble baths, diamonds, soft perfume, White lies, soft blankets, cuddling the ones they love, always standing up for their friends, hopeless romantic, can be very distant, can be a little dramatic, pretty hair, dresses nicely, tries to be popular on social media, optimistic, humorous.♎

Scorpio: ♏Spending all their money on concert tickets, bruised lips, getting drunk for the first time, pressed flowers, glitter, Polaroids, black lipstick, laughing at 2 AM, whispering secrets, piercings, making eye contact with someone they like, crescent moon, TV static, all-nighters, white sheets, the ocean, sunsets, midnight conversations, driving on an empty highway, listening to the radio, too much alcohol, secrets, cottages in the woods, in love with Greek mythology, vintage t-shirts, really emotional but doesn't want anyone to know, determined, moonlight, pretty handwriting, into the retro aesthetic, doesn't judge people, loves cats.♏

Sagittarius: ♐A feeling of adrenaline, ignoring texts, smashing a window, staying out till 5 AM, freckles, stickers, the color orange, cursive writing, laughing at silly jokes, discussing conspiracy theories, road trips, beanies, doodling, maps, getting lost, forests, fireflies, Polaroids, paint-stained jeans, light bulbs, messy ponytails, traveling the world, always ready for an adventure, street smart, doesn't trust people easily, alcohol, paintbrushes, can't sit still, untied shoelaces, tangled up earbuds, blasting music at midnight, eye-gazing, hiking, curiosity, history textbooks, reading by candlelight, making a scrapbook.♐

Capricorn: ♑City skylines, chocolate, red wine, being pampered, lace bras, silk robes, smelling herbs, piano music, rose petals on silk sheets, expensive perfume, driving down an empty highway at 3 AM, architecture, silhouettes, sheet music, mountains, really old books, modern coffee shops, high ceilings, history museums, nude lipstick, spiral staircases, neat small handwriting, cobblestone streets, success, overthinking, elaborate plans, cold aura, coffee is what keeps them going, probably hasn't slept in two days, actually a big softie, high-waisted jeans, cute pet videos, small apartments, has too many notebooks, often goes to the library, writing essays.♑

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