•chapter three•

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Kirishima's pov

I woke up to the sound of my phone getting a notification, I take my phone and before I even open it I see the time on my clock. ITS 6:30am!!! Wait that means I didn't met everyone yesterday at 10pm!! Ohhhhh no. I jump off my bed not caring about the notification. I need to get ready and pack my shit for the trip!! Wait how many days are we going to be there? I take my phone and go to text bakugo.
'Hey bakubro do you know how many days we're going to be on the trip for?'
Bakugo💕💞💕 is typing
'It's 2 weeks shitty hair didn't you listen to the teacher when he was explaining shit?'

2 weeks!? Hold up why such a long time!!! What the hell are we going to be doing for god damn 2 weeks!
'2 weeks!? That's so long. Hehe thank you bakubro!!'
Bakugo💕💞💕 leaves chat

I sigh, jesus why is it 2 weeks. I go to my closet and open it, damn I might be late for class because I need to pack all my stuff. I start taking my t-shirts and underwear and everything I'll need.

Kirishima's pov

I look at the time and it's only 7am I thought I'd take me like two hours but I guess I just pushed everything into my suitcase. Yes I'm bringing a suitcase I'm not gonna shove everything in my bag obviously. Wait what do I do with the suitcase? Do I take it with me to class or what? Actually I don't care I'm just gonna take it. I take my suitcase and open my door and close it then lock it behind me. I go to the elevator and press the button for it to come up. I wait a couple of seconds.
I go in the elevator and press the bottom floor. It only takes like 5 seconds so I was out there in no time.
The elevator doors open and I exist. I walk to the common area and see everyone else with their suitcases. I sigh, I'm glad everyone else took their suitcases I didn't want to look like an idiot. Wait it's like past 7 why isn't everyone going to class already? "Heyyy kiri you got here late!! And we're all here because Mr Aizawa told us to wait in the commons area instead of going to class" Mina says, clearly she noticed how confused I was.

"Oh that makes sense" I say laughing a bit of how stupid I am. "Hey bro you told all of us to met you here yesterday at 10pm but you never showed up! We waited an hour for you dude what the hell!?" Kaminari practically screams and everyone nodding. "I'm so sorry guys I totally fell asleep yesterday I set an alarm for 10pm but it clearly didn't work or I just didn't hear it. Heh sorry" I say hoping they would forgive me. I didn't mean to keep them waiting. The stupid alarm didn't wake me up! "Hey it's fine dude just tell us all what you wanted to say when we're on the trip!" Sero says everyone agreeing.

"Sure.." I say. I kinda don't want to tell everyone right now mainly because would bakugo want everyone to know? Maybe he just wants one person to know and to help him? Would it really be a good idea for me to tell everyone...? I sigh, I hear someone walking down the stairs so I turn around. I smile brightly when I realised it was bakugo! "Hey bakubro!!! How are you!? Hey why didn't you take the stairs ?? Did you pack!?" I yell at him.

Once he gets down the stairs he finally says something. "You ask to many question". I laugh at his response. I look at his face and I realise that his eyes are puffy and red. Why? I'll ask him later about it but right now Iida. (thank you to the person who corrected saying it's 'Iida' not 'Lida' ) is calling everyone over so of course everyone goes to him because it's Iida.

"Since Mr Aizawa isn't here right now I'll do a head count because we need to know whose here or not." Iida said. Everyone nodded their heads. He started counting then he nodding his head meaning everyone is here. After that everyone went back to whatever they were doing before. I look over and I can't see bakugo, where did he go?. I start walking around the common area and I found him sitting on a chair kinda hidden from everyone. I saw that he had a kinda sad expression on his face so of course it made me sad too.

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