The Unexpected Princess

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          What is the true meaning of “love at first sight”?  If you were to ask me that about a year ago, I would have laughed and said that “True love doesn’t exist”. But one day…She happened…She changed my life forever…She just doesn’t know it yet.

          Before I met her I didn’t even believe that true love was a thing. I thought it was some messed up fantasy…Because all the people that were close to me were negatively affected by it…Let’s take my parents for example…

        The both of them were childhood sweethearts and decided to get married at the young age of sixteen. About two weeks into their marriage my mom found out that she was pregnant with me so my father left…Idiot… Moving on about a year after my mom had me and my sister (yes she gave birth to twins) she met this wonderful man named Chester. He had three boys already with his previous wife…All of them were older than me and my sister… I had grown to love them like they were my blood brothers. We were nicknamed the blood bros growing up…Seriously that’s how close we were. After about two years we thought that everything was running Ok and I was actually starting to believe in love at first sight again…Well love in second sight in my mom’s opinion. Then one tragic night Chester ended up in a serious car accident that killed him. My mother is still in the hospital currently in a coma… Everyone had tried to tell me that it was time to pull the plug and to let her go… But I knew she was still in there so I never gave up on her…

         My step-brother Daniel had also fallen in love with this girl that he met in college. Her name was Dani. I knew that the two of them looked like a perfect match, but I doubted that the two of them would actually work out…And you guessed it…They didn’t…Turns out Dani had a ex-husband who she was still madly in love with…So in other words Daniel was a rebound…


And that leads me to where I am today. I’m a 21 year old political science student. I’m not necessarily what you would call a “nerd” I’m more of a “sporty nerd” if that’s even a word. I was the captain of the swim team, football team, basketball team, and Frisbee team. So grades were super important for me to keep my place on those teams.

The New York lifestyle was a lot to take in. Since I’m originally from a small town just 2 hours away from Atlanta Georgia it was sort of a wake up call for me. But I love my life in the city now. I am such a fan of music so me and a couple of my close friends here at the college would go and see Broadway shows whenever we can…I know it may sound weird for a sporty and manly guy like myself to be a Broadway freak but some guys appreciate Broadway compared to the others. ..

“Hey man sorry I wasn’t in class today…” My roommate and new best friend Prince walked into the room.

“Are you at least feeling any better?” I asked him.

“A little but I may need to miss another day tomorrow…Do you have the notes you took for English?”

“You can take a look at them as soon as I finish writing this essay…” I replied.

"Oh come on Jerome you really don't want to help out a sick person here?"  Prce complained.

"OK fine you can take it...I need to go Christmas Tree shopping for our tree anyways...I think we're the only apartment in this entire condo that doesn't own a tree yet" I laughed.

"Can you bring back some Chipotle if you can I just realized that I haven't eaten yet..."  Prince asked.

"Might as well I was getting hungry too anyways." I laughed. "Maybe we can decorate the tree when I get back home. Maybe the will make you feel better." I sugested.

"You know the only thing that makes me feel better is reading right?" Prince corrected.

        I just rolled my eyes and left. I loved Prince, he was a cool dude and all but sometimes his nerdy side tends to stand out a lot more than his cool side.  As I stepped out into the parking garage I was able to catch a glimpse of he lovely New York skyline during night time. As I looked towards my watch I realized that it was only 4:30 in the afternoon and it was already pitch dark outside. as I pulled out onto the road I was so excited to see the snow falling slowly onto the ground. Most people hate the sight of snow but I actually liked it...And with the Christmas decorations up on the buildings and the streets it was seriously beginning to look a lot like Christmas...No pun intended...

It was about two hours later...I had finally gotten the tree tied up to the top of my Jeep and was finally walking away with two bags of delicious Chipotle goodness. As soon as I got into the car I made a mad dash towards the condo. Leaving Prince alone hungry in the apartment.  As I was one block away from home. I noticed that someone had slipped on the road right in front of the road. The light was about to turn green in about thirteen seconds. I couldn't just leave her lying there on the cold hard ground. As I opened my car door to help her in, I noticed that she had fallen on her head. And I'm no doctor but I'm pretty sure that blood is not supposed to come out of your head for no reason. As I carried her over to my car, it seemed that the entire world moved in slow motion. She had the perfect long brunette hair, beautiful red and kissable lips... Everything about her was perfect! It was like the higher power had thrown my dream girl right at me... And in that moment I knew that I was starting to believe in true love once again. But this time I was going to make it work...I don't even know this girl but I do know that I want her to fall in love with me... I will do everything to make her fall in love with me...

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