take me to Starbucks

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Celeste's POV

I zipped up my boots quickly watching the clock. I'm gonna be late, I thought to myself. I pulled down my beanie and flipped my hood up as I left my house. It was deep November as the rain and snow was returning to the city- forever leaving everyone slightly wet and immensely cold. I checke myself in the mirror. I was wearing my tall brown leather boots and black leggings. I had on Santa socks that peeked right above my boots. I was wearing my cheesy "I heart New York " sweatshirt and a huge jean jacket over. With five layers separating me from the elements I felt safe and cozy. I checked my phone and the time was 7:55. "Crap-adoodle-dandy", I said under my breath. School starts in 5 minutes and the bus already left without me. And my parents had already left for work. School was all the way across town. I groaned and climbed down my rain stained brick steps and splashed into a puddle on my decent. I started to jog but I was wearing too many layers, thus keeping me grounded in the sidewalk. 7:57. I I bit my lip in annoyance at my tardiness. It runs in the family I swear. I opened my messages and tapped the top thread-Seth. With numb and unsteady fingers I texted him:

Het Setb coulf you pleaase cone puck me up. I'm gonma be latte for schhool -Celeste

So much for English being my best subject. I knew he wasn't at school yet because he doesn't have a first period class. My phone beeped immediately.

Where u @ hommie C?-Seth

I'm sorry I'm too gangsta for you-Seth

Please silence your applause-Seth

Where can I find you honey?-Seth

In quick succession, Seth's messages flooded my phone. My cheeks felt warm when I read "honey" . I smiled stupidly as I typed back carefully this time:

Corner of fourth and Fremont streatt-Celeste

Close enough. I stayed on the corner walking in place to stay warm. The wind was whipping my face and I could see my nose turn pink in the cold. I had no idea where Seth was coming from or how long it'd take. 8:04. Another tardy. Yay. I thought with great sarcasm.

After what seemed like a century, a silky black Lincoln pulled up in front of me. The passenger window slid down revealing my handsome Seth in sunglasses. He pulled them down and said, "Get in loser we're going shopping". I chocked a laugh and pulled open the door. "Seriously?", I asked. I quickly felt warm as I sat in the passenger seat. It was a wonderful napping temperature as I already felt my eyes droop. Seth took of his glasses and placed them in the glove compartment in front of me. He was wearing a nice tan raincoat, with a grey sweater and tucked blue flannel cuffed on the sweater. He always looked so well put together. He pulled his arm back and turned towards me. I looked back at him and into his blue eyes. They were safe and trusting. How his eyes would crinklewhen he laughed never ceased to make me smile. He looked back at me so sweetly as he cocked his head to the side. "You're blushing", he said. I quickly turned away, twisting my hair nervously. "It's the cold", I said plainly. I felt like a child watching fireworks- I couldn't keep my eyes off him, always waiting for the next surprise. He laughed softly and turned the engine back on. His car purred like a luxurious cat being pet. "This is a really nice car for a teacher Seth", I said, feeling how nicely tailored the seats were. He pulled away from the curb and started to drive towards the school. "I didn't always work as a teacher you know." He said, not looking at me. He looked so concentrated while he drove. His jaw kept locking and unlocking and I found it extremely attractive. "Well what did you do before you choose the exotic life of a teacher?" I said. He turned half way to me and said," I lived on the east coast for a long time and I found a pretty suitable life as a writer for the New Yorker. But my situation became uncomfortable so I left." Seth was a writer for the New Yorker? How amazing is that? "If you don't mind me asking, what happened to make you leave?", I asked. We reached a red light and he turned to me. "Well New York is all about this its hot dogs, and once those started tanking I knew I need to leave and continue on my street culinary journey. That and I had gone through a really bad break up", He said. His jaw tensed again and he let out a deep sigh. "Love can sometimes be really ruthless you know." He lightly touched the side of my face and then turned back to the road. The air around us felt so different. Not bad. Just different. I liked that he can just talk and I listen. In the calm of his car It was nice to see him outside of school. "Seth?", I asked. "Hmm?" "Could we, uh, hang out a little bit before school? We won't miss the whole day but maybe just first period?" He scoffed and turned to me. " No missy you're headed straight to school." I pushed my cheeks together and tried to make a fish face at him. "Pweetty pwease? We haven't even had a date before." That word hung in the air. Date. Were Seth and I dating? I felt extremely nervous knowing the answer. We could never be together the way either one of us wanted. But just sitting beside him now made me feel like the luckiest girl in the world. To my surprise he laughed and said," Well you are a fine young lady and deserve a gentleman to take you out. But it'll be low key this time ok?" He looked over at me and smiled. He reached for my face again and stroked my cheek lightly. I don't know why I blushed so hard. I mean Seth and I had kissed but this somehow felt more intimate. I leaned into his warm palm and murmured in contentment. He smiled and said," You're so cute ' I can't even.'" I snorted abruptly and screamed at my ugly laugh. How old was this man to be making such dumb jokes. We sat there laughing and giggling in his car for ages it seemed. Our fingers touched and I felt a tingle on my fingertip. I reached over and touched his face, making little circles on his promanent his cheek. He smiled and my heart fluttered. We were so close together. It didn't feel sexual or anything. It was comfortable, sweet and innocent. "So where should our intimate date be held my love?", He said. "Starbucks sounds extremely good right now," I replied. He gave me a strange sarcastic look. "You want to spend your Monday Meyers meal time at Starbucks?" I nodded. "If that's what you wish Celeste." And with that we drove off.

Hey y'all who are still reading this, thank you for the nice comments and votes. But I don't really like where this is going anymore. I Ann thinking of writing a weekend update series featuring Colin and Michael that I'm excited for. I'm really sorry but I just don't have drive. I have more ideas but I just can't start themಥ_ಥ

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