Chapter nine

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Francis had a work issue, so I arrived at Lucile's house by myself. I stood outside the house and knocked on the door slowly. As I waited for the door to open, I fixed my hair a bit and just needed to ask a few questions. After a few seconds of waiting, the door finally opened. "Ahhh, detective, what are you doing here?" She asked, confused. "Hello, I know this is really sudden, but I had a few questions I needed to ask you," I looked at her, and she nodded her head slowly. "Sure."

She opened the door and let me enter the house. "What is it about?" She asked. I followed her into her living room, where she asked me to sit. "I wanted to ask you about your brother?" I started. She froze in her spot and looked at me nervously. "What about him?"
"Well...I wanted to ask about the relationship you have with him."

"Ahhh.....well, it is great; we are the best of siblings," she smiled, looking away. She was lying...of course, she was; Francis told me differently last night. "I was going to ask you about something...this," I spoke. I took out the wanted poster of the killer and showed it to her. "What about it?" She asked, confused. "Well...the description you gave, don't you think it looks a little too much like your brother?" I asked. Her eyes widened at what I said, and she started to glare at me. "What are you implying, detective?"

"Absolutely nothing, but these are the facts of the case. So I would like for you to be honest," I smiled. "Have you and Francis been speaking to each other?" She asked nervously. "Not at all."

"Oh....that's good then. He can be a little intense at times. Spouts random things at times; I think he might be crazy," she said, looking at me. She was serious; she thought this. Unless she is trying to get me not to speak to Francis. I have already spoken to him, and he seems completely normal....besides the flirting, of course. "Do you plan to speak to him?" She asked. "Well, he looks exactly like the description, so I might need to take him down as a suspect," I answered. It was a lie, and it was not him because we were beside each other when the killer struck in front of us. "Oh!" She shouted, but it sounded a bit too exciting.

She is related to the murder cases, but I need to figure out how. "Where were you last night?" I asked another question. She looked at me, shocked, and soon started to laugh. "Why, here at home, of course," she smiled. I could tell it was fake, and she was annoyed by the questions. "Do you have anyone that can back that story up right now? If I were to call them up?" I asked.

She looked at me horrified; well, her eyes seemed that way. She tried her best to keep that smile up. "Why yes, my husband," she smiled. That is when it finally hit me, her husband. It was the two of them. Francis did not want them to marry, and of course, it would be the two. "I see.... so, what we know now is that the suspect works alone," I started. She finally breathed out in relief and showed me a genuine smile. "Oh, that is terrible. But it is good that The authorities know it is one person."

"Yes, one person that looks entirely like Francis, maybe we should take him into custody for the murders."
"Well....if it must be done....may I ask what would happen to him?"
"Well....for crimes like this, he would get the guillotine," I pointed my finger towards my neck in a motion that showed me cutting off my head. Why would they resort to killing people instead of just getting rid of Francis themselves? I wanted to know that much before officially declaring they were the killers.

"I just wonder why he would want to kill anyone. I have not met him, but for someone to do that, he must be insane."
"Oh...he is. I always knew he was crazy; that's why I was scared to tell the cartoonist in more detail. He would surely be found out," she said. She was speaking in an innocent voice that was too fake to stand. I wanted to see how much she was willing to lie. "Oh, of course... I wonder if I should even question, all the evidence leads to him," I continued.

"I do not think that is necessary; what would that show? There is plenty of evidence" that was false; there was hardly enough evidence. Any brilliant detective would keep the case open, Incase people like her tried to get involved. "Is it okay if I speak to your husband?" I asked. She looked at me, nodding before standing up. "He won't be home till later. Do you mind taking an appointment?" She asked. "Yes, of course, we can meet at the station for questioning and have more of the details settled out," I stood up, smiling at her. I wanted to know their motive for the killings.

Maybe they wanted to throw Francis under the bus, then watch the government kill him for their deeds. All because he did not want them to get married to each other. It was crazy, but there is so much of Lucile involved in the case that it would not be surprising. "That would be great; I will tell my husband when he returns from work," she smiled. I nodded at her statement and started to walk out the door. I could feel her glares at me and knew I had become a bigger target for her at that moment.

Thanks for reading so far ❤️

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