Chapter 1 - Spirits and Birds

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"It's nice, right?" I asked and smiled a little at Dy

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"It's nice, right?" I asked and smiled a little at Dy.

Her eyes were heavy, but she met my gaze and nodded. "Yeah, this was a good idea." She looked back down at the water and wiggled her feet a little.

"You feeling alright?"

"Sore," she murmured. "Getting shot sucks."

I very gently put my hand on top of hers. "I can imagine."

She snorted. "You must think I'm a wuss."

"No, Dy. It's not a contest."

"You lost your arm and-"

"I was out for three months. It's been a week and you're already up and walking. You're so much more hardcore than I am." I leaned in and kissed her cheek.

She smiled and closed her eyes. Mine were closed too as I kept kissing her but then I felt her stiffen. I opened my eyes and slowly turned my head. Nila was standing on the other side of the creek, looking a little awkward.

"I didn't want to interrupt."

"You didn't," I said and smiled. "Come join us. It's really nice."

She walked across the creek, without actually touching the water and sat down next to me. Nila removed her shoes and put her bare feet into the water. Her black-blue skin was a stark contrast to the turquoise water. Just like her white hair was. Nothing about her really looked human.

"It is nice," she said and smiled.

"Right?" I chirped.

She nodded and splashed a little water around with her legs.

"Nila, can I ask a question?" Dy asked hesitantly.

"You just did," Nila replied and smirked a little. "You can ask another if you'd like."

"Thanks," Dy chuckled a little nervously. "How long until we'll be able to leave?"

"You need to heal. You've done remarkably already but your body is not ready to travel. And Alvina has some work to do while we're here."

"Work?" I asked and arched a brow.

"Yes. I'd like to teach you." Nila smiled again. Every time she smiled, her eyes turned into arches and it looked cute.

"I'd love that." There was just about nothing I wanted more than to train with her. Besides getting back to Quinn obviously. And have Dy fully recover.

We sat in silence for a while. It was so beautiful here. All the colours were so much brighter and vibrant. Birds lived here too, and they were nothing like the ones outside of here. These birds were blue, green and red. Had long tail feathers, flying in the wind behind them in the air.

"Hey Nila," Dy said then, disturbing the otherwise comfortable silence.

"Yes, Dy."

"Are you coming with us?"

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