Chapter 14 - Marked

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I sighed and smiled at Dy

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I sighed and smiled at Dy. She wiped her mouth with her thumb, putting her hand under her chin, resting it on top of my thigh.

"You're so easy," she said with a very satisfied smile and kissed my thigh.

"I'm not easy," I murmured, my head hazy and filled with happiness.

"You are. I barely have to touch you and poof." She kissed my thigh again, moving up to my hip. She looked down, running her finger over the long scar on my thigh. "And it's so easy to get lost in you," she murmured and looked up, her eyes slightly hooded.

My chest was bouncing up and down with my heavy breath and I could hardly stand her looking at me like that. I felt so exposed but also... I didn't want her to look at me in any other way. I felt beautiful when she looked at me like that.

She kissed her way up to my mouth, her hands running over my body. I wiggled a little under her touch, burying my hand in her hair.

I loved this part. The part where she'd just kiss me, lie down next to me, both of us satisfied, warm, comfortable and relaxed. Our bodies would melt into each other. I'd trace the tattoos on her arms. Her beautiful tattoos that covered her skin from shoulder to wrist.


"Mhm?" She didn't look up as she traced my collarbone with her tongue.

"Could you... Tattoo me again?"

She stopped and flicked her eyes up at me, before pulling up, looking down at me. "What're you thinking about getting?"

"Something related to Aatskina. My mum was Aatskina and... I'd just like to get something related to her. Something to remind me of her."

Dy's expression softened. "You earn them, Al. You don't just get them. There has to be rituals. It has to be properly done."

I nodded, running my hand over one of her arms. Patterns stretched over it, star-shaped figures mixed with nets and black bands going around her bicep.

"You've earned one though. You've reached a level of spirituality that we consider the most holy. For that, you get these." She pointed to her shoulder where the stars were going in a band around her arm.

"I love those. How did you get them?"

"I've been to the temple. I reached the spirits and they touched me." She touched her birthmark. "Or so they say." She bopped her head from side to side. "I mean, I think it's just a birthmark, but hey, if the seers tell me it's because I was touched by a spirit, who am I to tell them otherwise? They're the experts after all."

"I can believe it," I breathed and brought her down so I could kiss her. She purred against my lips and moved away from my mouth again, kissing my throat and then my shoulder.

"I'd make so many tattoos on you," she murmured. "Just so I had an excuse to kiss every inch of you."

"You don't need an excuse."

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