Chapter 2 - Needing Council

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"So, what are the plans now?" Jura asked and scratched his forehead

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"So, what are the plans now?" Jura asked and scratched his forehead.

"Hardly anything for the council to worry about," Dreki said coolly.

"You can't just announce open war on the Aatskina tribe and not-"

"We can do whatever we want, councillor Jura," he interrupted. "We have the king's support." He motioned towards me and I clenched my jaw.

"We all know you have no support. You have power. Power you stole. Power you've gained through blackmail." Jura rose to his feet. "I'm done. Your Highness, councillors. I will take my leave." He bowed at me, nodded to the other councillors and only sent a cool stare at Dreki before he left the room.

"I think this is a good time to announce that we will absolve the council. Your services are no longer needed."

Islo snorted loudly and leaned back in his chair. "I can't wait to see what the public has to say about that."

"We've been clear to the public about what we need from this monarchy. We are not a republic, even despite how much you would like it to be one."

"If you think I'm just gonna roll over-"

"Maybe I should remind you of a few things, Charred." Dreki's heavy gaze landed on Islo and I didn't want to hear more.

"Islo," I murmured. "Enough." I rose to my feet and put both of my hands on the table, meeting the gazes of the councillors, one by one, ending with Islo. "You're all excused. Islo, please escort me back to my chambers."

Islo rose to his feet and followed me out. Neither of us said anything until we were back in our apartment and he had closed the doors behind him.

"How many Aatskina resistance members were working in the stronghold?" I asked and dumped down on the sofa.

"I don't know. But I'm still in contact with some." Islo joined me and sighed deeply. He shrugged his councillor jacket off and slung it over the backrest and down on the floor. "Guess I won't need that anymore."

"You will. When we get these dogs out of my stronghold."

I could see Islo smiling out of the corner of my eye.

"I love it when you talk dirty."

I sighed and turned my head. "It's not a joke, Islo. We have twenty people hanging on poles in the square. We need to get these people out."

"Quinn," he said and took my hand in his. "If I keep thinking about it, I'm not going to make it. Alright? I need to stay focused."

I softened and nodded. "I know. I'm sorry."

"No, Sweetness, don't apologise." He leaned in and kissed me. "We've gotta keep moving forward. Or rather, we gotta go to bed. I'm exhausted."

"I'll have a bath first, I think," I murmured and rose to my feet.

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