Chapter 1: Rocky beginnings

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In the fell clutch of circumstance,
  I have not winced nor cried aloud.  
Under the bludgeonings of chance,  
  My head is bloody, but unbowed.   

\The Technopath/

The pink haired boy shook like a leaf as he paced back and forth on the mighty space vessel Base1's bridge. "I-I can't believe it..  they're on the way. What if we lose? What if they don't want to help save the world..?"


Miles shook his head. No, there's no point in thinking like that. He hasn't even met the new group yet, hadn't seen what they can do- or if they can even do anything.

Miles wasn't told much when he was picked up rather suddenly. Just that he was special and that he had a gift that should be cherished and well taken care of..

All thag time, the boy just thought he was crazy. Talking with technology? Machines have feelings? What person, in their right mind, would even consider those things to be normal or realistic? AI technology hasn't even advanced enough to gain full sentience!

Ah.. well, he better prepare the various training scenarios for the new M.O.D.S. Miles truly hoped that his vortex generator is actually working. If that thing imploded, the results would be catastrophic!! Especially inside of that old bus.

\Midnight cat/

The black cat watched as the group of kids filed out of the diner and made their ways back to the bus. He silently stalks over to agent L32, the blondie's smile was gracious but it held a deeper meaning. Almost as if to ask the cat if he knows what he is doing.

Humm, humm, cat would smile back if he could. Instead, he cat purred and proceeded to stalk over to Erin Linsey, the "waitress" whose patience rivals a mother of 20 children.

He purred as her hands graced his head, ears, then smooth furry back. Erin cracked a grin as she looked down at the small, nimble creature.

"Midnight, they're going to love this next part. I know I'm not supposed to reveal anything, but maybe you should give them a few hints every now and then."

The cat almost huffed as he strides back toward the bus to take his seat within his new companion's lap and snooze.

\The theseract/

Erin Linsey sighed, secretly she is a little worried about this new generation. They all seem like pretty sweet and innocent kids (mostly). Will they really be ready in time? She shook her head but continued to grin. Ah well, this can't be helped. Fate acts in weird ways.

The the miracle on wheels sprang to life, humming as if its engine belonged in a public transit bus rather than a junker just barely brought back to working order. Whatever got this machine to work really worked its magic.

"We are now off again. Rest well, enjoy the sights. The next part of the journey awaits." The bus driver, agent L32, announces. The blondie smiles their best smile, and the bus slowly but surely begins to move again. Off the dirt road, into the main highway, and beyond.

Time is pointless when riding a bus with a vortex generator next to its motor.

The road ahead is bumpy, and the trip will end sooner than one Will begin to understand. Just wait until what awaits everyone at the end of it.

So here's a wonderful question to ask: If Base1 is up there in space, how do you suppose everyone will get there? :)

If the surprise was ruined, then it's runined. Everyone must brace for the crazy things about to happen in chapter 1.

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