The Base And The Bulls

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3rd person POV

" I WOULD LIKE TO BE A PART OF THE BLACK BULLS SQUAD!!!" the silverete yelled as she looked straight at the captains.

"what a shame, it seems Yami has won such a precious jewl. I would've liked it for her to be in my squad." an armor wearing captain said in disappointment.
"how foolish, how could she choose that foreigners barbaric squad? She could have more opportunities with us than his." an irritated silver haired captain muttered for everyone to hear.
"what was that braid-face? You're just jealous that she chose to be in my squad rather than being in that lousy squad of yours." the black-haired smoking captain retorted.
"now thats enough, the girl has chosen her squad and we are in no position to force her to change her mind. Let us continue so we can tend to our daily errands." the masked captain intervened to stop the other two captains from starting an argument.


Miyuki POV

The announcement was over quite quickly than I've expected. And I'm still quite baffled to hear that most of the examenies, who were mostly composed of nobles, weren't able to pass. Its almost as if only 30% were successful at winning over a captain.

Now Im just here along with the buff captain, Haru and the constantly-flirting-weird vice captain guy waiting for that loud guy from Hage to arrive.

"hey kid, the thing you did earlier, what was that? How were you able to control her magic without even using a grimoire?" the captain asked out of the blue while leaning on one of the pillars.

"oh that? It's just something I could do. But if you're asking how and why, sorry but that secret is for me to keep for now. Sorry captain. And by the way, my name is Miyuki but I wouldn't mind your calling me Yuki. " I answered while bowing.
"nah, it's okay, I was just wondering. There's no need for you to bow." he said.
"you, how about you?" he asked turning to Haru.
"who, me?" he dumbfully asked pointing at himself.
"no, the pillar behind you, of course it's you, you dumbass." the captain said scaring Haru.
"the name is Haruto, Haruto Claudius sir. But my young mistress calls me Haru." a shaken Haru answered. But seriously, is it really necessary to tell them what I call him.
"young mistress?" the captain asked again.
That punk better not say anything or else I'm doomed.
"yes, the young woman behind you is my young mistress, Lady Miyuki Solace." the dumbass Haru said pointing his finger at me to wich the captain and the vice captain(who I apparently forget was there the whole time) followed.
"owowowowowow! Sorry, sorry, sorry" Haru says in pain.
"Solace? You mean, 'the Solace'?" the captain asked.
"yeah, yeah, that Solace-"
"what are you guys doing?" an ash-blonde boy came up to us interrupting our conversation.
"oh, its the loud obnoxious guy from Hage" I said turning to him.
"hey, who are you calling loud and obnoxious!? Im.... Wait... Aren't you that super strong girl from the exam?" he asked looking closely at me. "Im Asta, nice to meet you." the Asta guy said as he held out his hand.
"hey shrimp, what took you so long, huh!?!" a very pissed captain said as he loomed over the  Asta boy grabbing his head.
"i was taking a dump sir, actually it was an epic dump..." Asta explained making the captain even more pissed.
"hey, uh, Captain Yami... We have to go now, you know its quite tiring making a portal this big for that many people." the vice captain chimed in.
'wow, I didn't even realize he was still here. But thank the heavens that Asta came. I would've been caught.'
" shut up and hold it, surpass your limits. " the captain says as he threw Asta in the portal with us following him.

"New recruits, welcome to the Black Bulls base hideout" the captain said proudly. Meanwhile
Asta, who was unlucky enough, was standing in front of the door that magically exploded.
"and these are the members of the black bulls sqad!" he said while laughing wholeheartedly as to what happened to Asta.

'well this will be an interesting journey'
Okay finished.... Thank you for reading my story... Thank you for the love and support, I love you so much guys.
Please tell me in the comments of what you think of this story. And do you like it so far?

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