Is this happening?!

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Frank's POV:

The bell went, signalling the end of another shitty day (Finally!). I had just had my last lesson with Gerard, and I had finally got my head straight. I liked him. I had only known him for a couple of days, and I could already feel that there was something there. I couldn't tell if he felt the same way. Probably not, I mean, he was stunning. Angelic, even. And then there was me. The outcast.

I grabbed my backpack and walked to the parking lot. Gerard walked next to me. His hand was just hanging there. I fought the urge to hold it and tell him how I felt. I didn't want to make a complete ass of myself. He turned to me and stared at me with his hazel eyes and his lucious lips and said;

"Do you wanna come to my place?" His voice soaked through my skin and warmed my soul.

I couldn't speak for a minute, and the smile slowly stared to fade from his face. I quickly found my voice and said; "Sure! That'd be awesome." The smile immediately reappeared on his face and we walked up to his car.

"Shit..." He said to himself.

"What's wrong?"

"Mikey has the keys."

"Who's Mikey?"

"My brother."

Oh. I didn't know he had a brother.

"Well...we can take my car if you want?" I offered.

"That'd be great." He smiled at me.

We walked over and got into my car, I turned the key and immediately Iron Maiden started blasting out the stereo, making us both shit bricks. I quickly turned it down and we stared at eachother for a few seconds before bursting into fits of laughter.

I started the engine and we drove silently to his apartment, the only conversation we had was when he was giving me directions.


As soon as I walked into his apartment, I could tell it belonged to him. It even smelled like him. Gerard smelled of cigarettes and coffee. My two favourite things beginning with C.

"D'you wanna see my room?" He asked, kind of like a young kid does when they have a friend over for the first time. I nodded, and he led me into a paradise. It  was a little untidy, but I didn't care. It had all sorts of posters on the wall. Iron Maiden, Misfits, Black Flag, you name it. There were sketchpads on the floor, with great looking drawings in them.

He sat on his bed, and I went to sit next to him. "Your room rules, dude." I said. He smiled at me.

"Mikey's has more posters and a couple of guitars in it."

"Yeah but his room doesn't have all these neat drawing in."

He giggled. His giggle made me just want to kiss him right there and then.

"Gerard I-" I started to say, but I was interrupted by his lips crashing into mine.

It's not that I didn't want was just such a shock. I pulled away and stared into his eyes. He blushed and looked down at the floor.

"...sorry." He said in the cutest voice. I don't know what gave me the confidence to do it, but I stroked his cheek, causing him to look up at me. I leaned in and kissed him softly.

"Don't be." I replied, smiling at him. He smiled back and leaned in to kiss me again. This time I didn't pull away, I returned the kiss. It gradually got deeper and deeper until I could feel his tongue wrapping around mine.

I couldn't believe this was happening. His hand touched my stomach and slowly worked its way up my shirt. I moaned quietly. Everything was perfect.

Until we heard someone come in.

"It's Mikey." Gerard whispered.

Way to ruin the moment, Mr. Way! (hehe...).

A tall skinny guy wearing glasses, who I assumed was Mikey, opened the door.

"Hey Gee. Oh! I didn't know you had company." I could tell by the way he was blushing that he was a shy person.

"I'm Frank." I said, politely.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Mikey." He said, smiling. "So, are you staying for dinner?"

I really eanted to. But I was in enough trouble with my Mom already. "Sorry, I can't. I have to go home. Maybe some other time."

Gerard, or 'Gee' as Mikey called him, looked disappointed. I smiled at him and quickly pecked him on the lips. Mikey gave me a look that said: 'I know what's going on here...'.

"Bye, Gerard." I smiled.

"Bye, Frankie." He whispered. I kissed him one last time before walking out to the parking lot. Hm. Frankie. I had never been called that before. I liked it.

As I walked up to my car, I got a text. I expected it to be from Gerard, but it wasn't.

It was from Mark.

It read:

'I know where you are, Iero. Long time no see.'

I'm so screwed.

I'll Hold Them Back [[Frerard]] [[GerardxFrank]]Where stories live. Discover now