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3rd POV
Y/N sat in the cell with four iron cuffs chained to his wrists and the wall.
Y/N: the cell is poorly built. The metal is obviously weak enough to apply pressure and escape.
Astrid: I have a few questions for you Y/N.
Y/N: speak.
Astrid: how did you get the ability to transform into a massive golden dragon.
Y/N: you wouldn't believe me if I told you, for that....I can wait.
Astrid: you listen here, that monotone voice is pissing me off!
Y/N: then you can leave. You want answers and I'm willing to give, but if you can't get past one's voice then I don't see any reason for you to be here.
Astrid sighed before walking out. He looked around realizing he was  alone.
Hiccup sat at a table reading a book as Snotlout was having trouble downing soup.
Snotlout *weakly*: this soup....is so hot.
Hiccup: it's not, just you're tastebuds are fried along with most of your organs, still working though, just not as well.
Snoutlout *weakly*: screw you.
Hiccup: I like this.
Astrid walked into the hall and sat next to Hiccup.
Hiccup: did he talk?
Astrid: he didn't say a word. Is there anything on a three headed golden dragon?
Hiccup: closest thing is a Rageblast, but those heads vary.
Astrid: he'a going to break out tomorrow, how are we going to handle this. Thinking about it now and what he said, he could easily destroy all of Berk.
Hiccup: I know.....
Astrid: what do we do then?
Hiccup: I don't know....I'm worried about this as much as you are, but there's no telling what this dragon can do, besides storms and beams that can lift things, it threw a Bewilderbeast.
Gobber: did I hear that correctly? But it lifted up a Bewilderbeast?
Hiccup: That's right....if dad was still here he may have some idea of what this is.
Gobber: he wouldn't, I've been around your father for years, not a chance in the world. Do you think we could run tests on him?
Astrid: wouldn't that be demeaning?
Snotlout: he shot me in the chest!
Gobber: quite an improvement I've got to say.
Back in the Cell.
Y/N sat in the cell, his monotone look turned into a face of rage as he thought about things. Lightning struck outside and the rain began to pour down harder. His eyes turned neon yellow as he slammed the back of his head against the wall and his teeth began to sharpen.
As he smashed his head against the wall, blood flew out as his blood pressure rose and his heart began to beat faster and faster. He pulled the chains from the wall making the stone fly towards him, catching the attention of a dragon in the distance.
Y/N: I.....will......KILL!
He yelled out the word "kill" with the sound of the golden dragon heard within it. Lightning struck down in front of him as voices within Y/N's head spoke.
????: stand down.
The monotone voice spoke loud as two others fought.
?????: Leave! Kill them all! Start with the one that caused the trouble!
The other voice sounded enraged, the same emotion Y/N is showing at the moment.
?????: why don't we just try and talk to the cute blonde.
The 2 Voices: Shut it.
Two Vikings ran into the main hall.
Hiccup: is everything alright?!
Vikings: the prisoner! He's escaping!
Thunder crashed above everyone as the sound of a high pitched roar was heard.
Hiccup: he isn't transformed yet....that roar sounded too weak. I'm going down there.

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