Chapter 1

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I'm standing in the middle of a field filled with flowers over looking the country side of Brittania. The sun is setting.


I turn around to see a figure standing at the tree line. I can't make out any features. The only thing I know is the figure is a male due to the voice.

Even as he walks closer I'm still not able to see anything about him. His face is blurry but I'm not scared. I don't why but I feel warm seeing him.

As he reaches me the sun is gone replaced with darkness. I look around not single star in the sky.

Fear creeps in.

I turn back to look at the boy.


Piles of bodies.

"Elizabeth! No!" He yells has he reaches for me.


My eyes fly open.

I fall out bed clutching my chest gasping for air. The dream felt to real.

"Elizabeth are you okay?" A maid comes rushing in. Frantically looking for a threat.

"I'm fine Seline just a dream," I say scrambling off the floor.

"Now is not the time to be making everyone worry Elizabeth." She glares at me.

She was right. Even with the treaty with the demons things were still tense. We were on the edge of war with them.

"It's never the time to worry anybody Seline. I'm perfectly safe in the palace," I say while rolling my eyes walking toward my closet.

"Your mother is requesting you for breakfast. Get ready quickly." She left the room.

I sigh grabbing a satin white dress with thin straps. It reached mid thigh my back and sides were exposed. It fit like second skin.

As I walk out of my room I greet everyone I see. My mind still on my dream.

Who was that boy? Why wasn't I scared of him?

I enter the dining room seeing my mother at the head of the table. She looks beautiful with her golden hair flowing perfectly around her face. Fitting for the Supreme Deity.

"Elizabeth darling!" She exclaims with a huge smile. I can't help but to smile back. I haven't seen her in days.

"Mother. How are you?"

"Very busy but I've been missing you. I figured we could have breakfast before I go to the council meeting." She sighs.

"Things aren't going so well are they?" I ask already knowing the answer.

Her smile dims it doesn't reach her eyes. The more I look at her the more tired she looks.

"No they are worse. Getting worse by the day thanks to the Demons Kings son. Meliodas." She spits his name with venom.

I've heard of him from warriors. He's dangerous nothing but pure evil. Hearing his name giving me a feeling I can't describe I've never felt it before except when his name is said.

And your dream.

"Mother I wanted to discuss something with you," I start trying to change topics. She looks at me signaling I have her full attention. "I had a dream that I was standing in a field on Earth. A boy called my name but I can't see his face."

I look at her to have her reaction but there isn't one. So I continue, "I don't know what his name is but he knew mine and I got this feeling when he said it and.... I-"

My mother cuts me off squealing, "My baby is growing so fast!"

"MOTHER! I'm not a baby," I say exasperated.

"He's your mate. You've finally had your Peek. I'm so happy for you baby. I can't wait to meet him." She's gushing now. Tears are falling from her eyes.

"Mother don't cry please! Besides I don't think this is a good thing," I mumble.

"Of course it is honey. You should be jumping for joy Peeking is the step right before you meet your other half!" She smiling ear to ear while looking at me confused.

"Even when something bad happens to me?" I say quietly but enough for her to hear me.

Her smile drops and she stands, "Elizabeth dear, what happened?"

I look up at her with worry in my eyes, "He reached for me and I saw death everywhere. When he was inch's away I felt pain and then I woke up."

Mother just stares at me trying to process what I just said. She slowly walks over to me tucking a strand of my silver hair behind my ear.

"Elizabeth. I don't think this is something to dwell on for right now. Enjoy the fact that you're going to be meeting your mate soon. We will deal with the rest when the time comes."

She hugs me tightly and I hug her back with just as much strength. I can tell she's worried just like me but she's being strong for me.

She pulls away just as Seline walks in.

"I'm sorry to disturb you, but the council is waiting."

"Thank you Seline tell them I will be there shortly." Seline bows and exits again.

"Well what have you planned for today dear?"

"I was going to go to Earth for the day. Shop, some sight seeing."

"Well be careful and be home before the stars are visible. I love you Elizabeth," she hugs me again, kisses my forehead and she's gone.

I sigh before I turn to leave for the cliff. As I'm walking across the palace grounds I see Mael approaching me.

"Where you headed off to Elizabeth?"

"I'm going to Earth for the day. I'll be back later!" I call as I continue walking.

Mael was a sweet boy who looked up to his brother. Because of that he got picked on for wanting to be so much like him. I was his only friend from childhood.

"Call me if you need anything!" He yelled and I started to run.

I didn't answer. The cliff was in sight. I spend up and when my feet left the clouds I free fell to Earth.

The wind in my hair and adrenaline from falling made me feel free and relaxed. When I got closer to the ground I opened my wings to soften my landing.

My feet touch the ground right outside of Vanya. I instantly put my wings away and switched my red and gold eyes for my crystal blues. Goddess wings are worth a fortune on the market here.

Once I thought I looked human enough I started to walk towards town.

Elizabeth walked casually towards town having no idea she was being watched.


Hi guys. So this is my first Melizabeth fanfic. I hope you enjoy. Leave comments or whatever if you see any issues I encourage feedback. Thanks!

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