Chapter 3

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Barty felt a sharp pain in his chest, then he felt himself falling, he looked around and to his surprise the sky was black, but it wasn't dark, he could see himself as if normal. There was nothing around him and he felt the joy and happiness in his life melt away, and all that was left was feelings of emptiness and fear. He landed on a giant floating island of white dust, with a tower built out of bricks of the dust. The tower appeared to stretch endlessly into the sky, it looked as if it had been a heavily guarded tower based on the scorch marks, arrows, and giant gate with two flags, one was white and yellow the other was black and purple, both were burnt with only shreds left. Black inky creatures were mining the dust and filling buckets up with it only to go inside the gate and supposedly climb up the tower. One of the walls had collapsed revealing miniature fully automatic crossbows and thousands of crossbow bolts ready to be fired at any unfortunate soldiers that attacked, on the gate there was a king's seal "This was built by the old kingdom..." Barty mumbled in aw. Barty approached the tower and went in through the hole in the wall. There was a maze that went led to a ladder that went upward to the next floor and a lever that activated the crossbows, there was a bunch of weapons and a torch, Barty prayed that he wouldn't have to climb three million ladders And took a light broadsword, a spear, and a bow along with arrows. Seconds turned to hours, and hours to months, navigating up the tower, every floor was a new maze built from scratch, one time Barty tried to break the bricks, but ended up breaking the spear instead. Each level was a different color and "theme" traps scattered the area, and the remnants of monsters and adventurers littered the area. Each level offered armor, weapons, magical items, and gold, but the gold was useless, the closer he got to the top the harder the traps and monsters were, Barty had a backpack with food, and water he would find in the mazes. Barty was close to the end of the elaborate maze when he saw a mirror, he was much older, He pulled out a book that he had made into his journal, he finished the entry then counted the days, he was stunned @) years had gone by, he looked like a barbarian, he had giant muscles and had a big bushy red beard.

His clothes were oily and his skin rough. As he climbed the ladder he felt scared, if he had done all that for nothing he would go crazy. He pushed open the trapdoor to a blinding light, on the middle of the roof there was a massive glowing white altar, with weird dark creatures that looked to be made simultaneously of mist and flesh, as if it were everything and nothing. They had bricks in their hands and were expanding the altar, Barty watched as power flowed up the tower and into a massive sphere at the top, then how it struck the altar with lightning, thus charging it. The creatures looked at him, then started attacking him, he pulled out his sword and started blocking the strikes. He pulled out another sword and blocked another creature. Barty smiled as it extended and electricity ran down the blade of the creature's sword, vaporizing it. One of the creatures grabbed a large sledgehammer and swung down on top of Barty, who dogged out of the way and slashed it in the side, the ground shook as the floor started to collapse. Barty started running to the portal as lightning shot from it in every direction one of the creatures jumped at him, Barty landed on top of it and light started to engulf him, the portal split in two as he turned transparent and started rising upward, he watched as the floor below the top couldn't take the weight of the bricks and collapsed too, this continued as the whole tower turned into rubble.

Barty woke up in the dark forest, death weed in hand. The dark unicorns from before had surrounded him, one got ready to charge like before, Barty thought "Not again..." then he felt the cold sting of metal in his hand, he looked down to see the ancient blade from the tower, still stained with the blood of the ink creatures, he felt all the fear melt away like the rebirth of a phoenix from ash, the unicorn charged, and Barty cut off its horn, the unicorns started charging him. Barty shouted "I'VE FOUGHT WORSE CREATURES THAN YOU!" he stabbed the first in the chest, the second he cut it's leg off, the third, he merely moved out of the way and it's horn got stuck, the fourth he made quick work of, the fifth galloped away. Barty picked up the Unicorn's horn and the death weed, then stepped through the portal.

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